18. "I Have A Homicide To Solve."

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"It was a homicide."

"It was?"


"How, did you say, she died again?"

"I didn't. "

"Hmm. When did you know it was a murder? "

"Well, we always suspected it at first, and then it was confirmed, but, we couldn't disclose it to the public due to some reasons."

"What reasons?"

"Ms Miller, not to be rude here, but, I assure you they are nothing you should be concerned with," Inspector Bryant tried adopting a stern tone.

"Very well," I said dejectedly.

I looked around his office and adopted a sombre face. "I guess her family mustn't have wanted to make it public knowledge so soon." My face remained the perfect mixture of empathetic and innocent.

He nodded, lost in thought. "Yes, they were all quite in a shock. Didn't want the town to know right awa-Hey! You really need to stop doing that!" Inspector Bryant shook his head, looking wary of me.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said, looking perfectly clueless.

"Look, you're a good kid. Manipulative as hell? Yes. But, still good. Stay away from such matters. Go, do whatever kids your age do. Something that does not include coming down to the police station to meet an old Inspector on a Wednesday after school,"  He smiled kindly at me. "I'm serious, though. Don't go looking for trouble, kid."

"I don't go looking for trouble. Trouble usually finds me, " I smirked at the man in front of me.

He snorted, "This has got to be the ninth Harry Potter reference you have made today."

"And you got every one of them. What's up, Inspector? Been reading Harry Potter, have we?" Raising an eyebrow, I gave him a half-smile.

He let out a laugh at this. "You are too smart for your own good, kid," He shook his head again and his expression turned serious again. "Now, if you're done, go home, so that I can get some work done. I have a homicide to solve."

I got up from my place in front of him and picked up my bag. Giving him a two-fingered salute, I walked out of his office.

So, five women of the same family, murdered in the same place?

Interesting. Very, very interesting.

I looked up just in time to see Mae's truck pull into the parking lot. I speed walked towards Bill (the truck) and got into the passenger seat.

"So, you got all the groceries?" I looked at the bags in the back seat, to see more knives than was considered normal in the bags.

"Yup," Mae replied, pulling the car out of the parking lot.

"What'd he say?"

"It was a murder." I looked out the window to see Mr Hatter talking to some blond guy.

Huh. Wonder what he's doing here.

Probably looking in on some news on the attempted robbery, I concluded after a few seconds.

"Well, we were right, then. A fifth murder in the Cursed House. Guess what I got at the supermarket?" She looked at me with a hint of excitement in her eyes, then returning her focus back to the road.

"New knives?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

She rolled her eyes, "Yes, that too. But that's not what I wanted you to guess. I got some news on Elektra Queen. The cashier was talking to her friend. Apparently, Elektra's family is organizing a funeral for her this Sunday."

I raised both my eyebrows, this time. "Well, that's...honestly, I don't know what that is. But, I want to attend the funeral. Do you?"

She kept quiet for a minute. Then sighed, "For some stupid reason, yes, I do want to go. We'll ask the others, too. Might as well see the Queen family. I mean, they must find it horrifying, right? Another woman of their family murdered?"

My eyes narrowed in thought. "Any normal family would. I'm curious to see if this is a normal family or not."


Hey guys!! I updated so soon! I'm so happy now.

So, what are your thoughts about this chapter?

Nothing more to pen (or type, in this case). See y'all next week!

Don't forget to

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