When You're Ready

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Hahaha, yes my motivation is deteriorating while I try to write, ʘ‿ʘ//

   Palette has always struggled with, well literally everything. He  always felt like a burden to others, he always felt like he couldn't do anything useful, he was the son of two very powerful and popular beings, yet, yet he was nothing. However all of this doubt and worry was always hidden behind his smile, his drive to help others, that was until he was caught off guard, "And who's there for you?" The question came from Goth. His best friend, his lover. The one person who read through each of his lies, but up until now, didn't say a thing. He has to stop himself from crumbling right then and there, his smile twitched and threatened to fall. "Wha-what?" He asks, "You said that you want to be there for everyone, but who's going to be there for you? When you need help? When you need to talk to someone? Who's going to be there for you?" The question is simple, but Palette's mind races to find the answer, "I- I mean, when do I ever need help haha! I can handle my emotions just as well as I handle others" but his boyfriend doesn't buy it, "Who'll be there for you, when you're ready to talk?" Palette once again races to find an answer, but then he realizes, "no one" he mumbled looking down, his smile quickly faded from his face and tears chased after. Goth sighs, reaching up to gently wipe the tears away, "Silly, you have me... When ever you're ready. I'll be here. For you" Palette nods, laughing sadly, before hugging the other. When ever he's ready.

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