Family Friendly Fight .extra.

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This is the car conversation

   Once Goth was inside the house, the atmosphere in the car intensified. Palette's anger was washed over by a sense of nervousness when a conversation didn't immediately start. He watched as Geno's head fell onto the steering wheel. There was a deep breath, followed by a sigh, heard from the older monster. Palette fidgets, wiping the blood that reached his chin. Geno looked back, and Palette looks away from the others gaze. "Here, place your head back and put this over your nasal bridge." Handing him a cloth, retrieved from the glove box, Palette does what Geno says, looking up at the car ceiling. At least this promised that he wouldn't have to see Geno's anger, there was another sigh, "if you're going to yell, might as well-" "that's not my intention." Palette fell silent, realizing that the olders voice sounded more retired than angry. Which also brought attention to the lack of anger in the atmosphere. "Palette, what you did was incredibly stupid, and reckless. But I know you, you wouldn't have done that without a good reason. I'm not here to scare you more, while I might be very disappointed and slightly angry with you, I would rather talk to you like an actual person than just yell at you." Geno turned to look at Palette, another sigh, he pinches his nasal bridge, "And I'm sorry I yelled earlier, but the last thing I want, is you cooped up in a cell, and I was, and still am, more upset at your parents. As disappointed as I am in you, I don't think it amounts to the disappointment I feel towards the two dumbasses known as your parents." The two chuckle. Palette looks towards the window. "I guess.... I didn't mean for an actual fight to happen. It's just- whenever I tried to say something he always had something to say back. And they weren't nice things either. I know it sounds childish, but I just got so frustrated- and the next thing I know we're practically dragging eachother outside. I don't know what happened between that" Palette explains, "Hm. I see. But the only question I have, why didn't you get any adult? There were three or four adults there. You could have gone to someone." Geno looks at the rag, before gently taking it and adjusting it, Palette let him, and looked down, "they'd balme me for it anyways, so what's the point?" Geno nods, before meeting Palette's eyes, "Cross? He called me, he was the only one there who seemed to care. You could have gone to him." "It's not the same..." Palette admits looking away, "of course Mr. Cross cares, but, and I've been trying really hard, he isn't my dad and it just-" "you're still trying to reconnect." Palette nods, looking back at Geno, "Of course! But dad just, he still doesn't understand! He never does... He pretends that I am still this happy little kid, even though I don't think that's even true! He refuses to listen to me and, and it's just so frustrating." Geno's heartbroken at the words, but it's starting to become clear that whatever they fought about definitely had hit some sore spot. "I'm assuming, and I don't mean to upset you any further, that Paper mentioned something about it?" "Yes! He doesn't even know half the crap I put up with! So what gives him the right to use that against me! It's completely unfair!" "I agree. But I think it's a situation of projection. You two are probably in similar situations, not saying that it justifies his actions. But the way I see it, you two are a lot more alike than either of you want to admit." Palette takes it into consideration, "Yea.." Geno moves the rag, "we should get inside so you can clean this, and tomorrow we'll go do something ok?" Geno gently smiles as Palette sits up, "Yea.." "Alright than come on."

  // I'm still not sure I like this or not, but yea here's their conversation. I'd like to say that Geno is still upset but it's more about how the other adults handled the issue more than Palette who just has a lot of pent up emotions. Again I might re write this. But here it is//

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