Criminal Mind- part 3

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It was a sunny day, the weather was nice and honestly things were looking great. Geno smiled as he finished his last layer of the cake he was commissioned for, it looked really nice in his opinion. He was excited to, this was the one thing him and Sans actually stuck too. And now business was booming. But happy times don't last do they?

Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.

"Geno? Are you up?" The skeleton in mention rose from his spot on the couch, yawning and stretching. He looked at the time, 10:30 am.... "Shit!" He gasped as he rushed over to the door, opening it revealed his short partner. "Umm are you ok?" Geno took a second to respond "yea! I'm ok... I must have overslept. Sorry Dea I didn't mean to sleep in like that-" "no It's ok. You've been working a lot harder recently. And yesterday was pretty bad so I don't mind." Death smiled and shook off the worry. Geno let him inside and rushed to get ready.

Death looked around his house. Smiling at the pictures on the wall. One being a picture of Geno and a skeleton that looked like him, standing behinf the two is a tall skeleton with a scarf identical to Geno's. Behind the trio was an ad for a cake shop. Death recognized that at least. He turned towards the stairs, seeing Geno in a different work attire. "I'm sorry.. We should get going" Geno spoke, as he grabbed his keys. They walked out to his truck and began their drive to the office.

Geno looked up at the door, he wipes his hands on his apron, assuming it was the costumer picking up their cake. He smiled and walked over, but something didn't settle right, he reached the door. Opening it, he is met with two large men, one a dog monster, the other a dark haired human. "Geno?" "Yes. How can I help you two?" They looked at one another, the dog monster removed his hat, "I'm sorry, but-"

"Geno?" Seemingly snapping out of it, Geno looked up at Dream, who in turn, gave him a look back. "Are you ok? You seem out of it" Geno shook his head, "Yea... I'm ok" Dream gave his friend a soft smile "I'm really proud of you, y'know? I know that these past few months have been hard on both you and Sans, since the death of-" "Dream... Could we please just, not talk about it?" Dream's face scrunched up, as he proceeded "You're burning the candle at both ends Geno. And it shows in your work. You can't keep doing this... I don't want to have to terminate you-" "No. Please Dream don't do that. This job is all I've got." Dream sighed, but shook his head "I'm sorry Geno, but I can't let this continue. You've been late, taking longer to solve these crimes, and now you can't even stay awake. Geno, until you seek professional help and get it. I'm going to have to ask you for you gun and badge." Dream had expected anger, or tears, but what he got shocked him, but furthermore proved his point. Geno growled and slammed his badge on the desk and tossing the gun after it. "Fine." He spat, with anger Dream had been unused to, sure expected it, but Dream could feel the danger lurking behind it. A dangerous aura. Dream began to regret this, but it needed to be done, Geno needed to rest... In reality, Dream realized he used the wrong term. While he had planned to fire him, he realized that wouldn't have been a good idea... A death and funeral is too much at once, but what's done is done.

Death watches as Geno tosses things in a box, anger on his features, Death wanted to say something but he backed down. Geno grabbed the box, and began to make his way to the door. "Geno? Are-" "I'm going home don't worry about it... I just need to blow off some steam." Geno spoke, giving Death a smile, and walked away. Death's concern morphed to biased anger. Geno had been working here for how many years now? Death couldn't remember, all he knew was that Dream's decision was only basedon the past month's worth of work, and who could blame them? Both Geno and himself have been working on fighting off Media, sleep and the normal amount of stress their job brings. He would help Geno deal with this no matter what.

Come night time, Dream had made his way home. He didn't live far, so he usually didn't drive home, so he walked. Of course he understood the danger of walking alone. However he never had trouble, at least until now. Dream was close to his apartment building, when a heavy feeling came over him, as if he was being watched. Unevered, he reaches for his gun. He turns around only to see that Death had been following him "Death it's a little to wait for work tal-" "why'd you do it?" Dream looked around awkwardly, "why did you fire him?" Dream sighed "I needed too." "But why!? He didn't do anything" Dream's face soured and he glared Death down. In turn the detective shyed away, "That's the point Death. His performance has deceased and I'm not firing him. I'm putting him on leave until he can get his shit together. I love the guy, and he's goin-" Dream was cut off by a loud bang, he gasped, his hands flying to his chest. Death stood there in shock, his eyes catching a glimpse of something running away, but the moral question stood. Does he run? Or does he help?

Only you can say//

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