I am now

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     NOTE: Wattpad didn't save a good portion of this story. I lucky had a feeling this was going to happen. So this is the actual full story. Like I was scared I lost a lot of story. /note at the end too/

     Chaos. That's all there was, massive chaos. Geno dropped to his knees looking deadpan into Goth's eyes. "Run. You run and don't look back ok? You run with Palette and you two listen carefully to the adults and where they tell you to go." Goth shook his head and grabbed onto the other young skeleton's hand "Not- not without you!" Geno bit back a growl "Goth that isn't a suggestion! That is me, your father, telling you what to do! Now you listen to me-" "No! What if you don't come back!?" Geno stopped. Goth was sobbing and begging his father not to go.

    Gritting his teeth, Geno let his son go before unwrapping his scarf and wrapping it around his son. "There. Now I'll definitely have to come back" Goth looked down at the red fabric before nodding determinedly. Geno sighed in relief and kissed Goth's forehead and hugged him tight.

   Watching the kids run out with the still large crowd, Geno stood up and turned to face the disaster. With a firey determination, he made his running start towards the fight. Reaching the desolate town, Geno slowed his running, meeting Ink's side, "What-?" "Don't waste time. What's happening? And where the hell is Death?" Ink tensed, not only at the others more tense aura but at the mention of the others companion. He points towards the more heavy damage, and he could have sworn Geno flashed him a killer glare. And he was indeed correct "You left him there!?" Before Ink could explain himself Geno had already running off.

    Fear creeping in, But he needed to be smart, Nightmare and his gang were most likely around. Still, even with the threat, Geno wasn't about to let that deter him form finding his husband "Death!? Death where are you!?" running further into the debris, Geno looked frantically- where was he? Was he hurt? Geno continued to run and call his lovers name, Until he noticed large black feathers- Death's feathers! Geno picked one up and looked for a trail, he followed it until he was met with a large looking lump on the ground.

    He made a sound between a small scream and sob before rushing over and falling to his knees. Turning the god over, Geno had to bite back his sob as his hand began to trace heavy cracks across the gods face and right side. The gods wings were also separate from his body, they and been torn off and poorly too. Geno pulled Death closer, craddleling his partner in his lap and arms, crying like a mother holding her dying child. Begging- no- pleading for him to be ok. And he could make out the soft shallow breaths of the mangled body in his grasp.

    Geno perked up when he heard footsteps rushing towards him, in alarm and with the knowledge on who exactly they were dealing with, Geno summoned a wall of bones to give him time to pick the god up and hold him so that he can still use a free arm. But his dread was replaced with relief when he noticed the figure to be Dream. "Geno!? Oh thank stars! Are you ok?" Geno walked forwards and desummoned the wall letting Dream get closer "I'm ok but Death is extremely hurt" Dream gasped once he saw the smaller skeletons appearance with in Geno's grasp. Geno looked at Dream "I need to get him out of here, but I can't leave you guys behind." Dream's face of worry turned into one of shock, Geno was planning on staying and fighting? If Sans knew this Geno would be in a mess of trouble. But that didn't matter, "Geno there's no time. Swap and Cross both confirmed that Error was already destroying the code of this timeline. Meaning Nightmare and his goons are long gone." Geno's soul almost sunk at the mention that this timeline was already going... All of Frisk's and his hard work... The resets... Shaking his head to keep himself steered clear he gave Dream a stern nod.

    Dream looked at his friend with uncertainty, but offered Geno a hand in which it was gladly accepted and the two made their way to the portal opened just out of the damage.

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