some wholesome headcannons for you children

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//This is newer//

-Death has a lot of blankets, Geno doesn't know where he got them all, and Death doesn't tell him.

- Geno likes cold, contrary to his husbands unholy amount of blankets, Geno sleeps with one and only turns on the heater during winter, but still keeps a window open.

- Death may or may not have raised Goth with an aid of a dog raising/training book.

- Goth likes to play pranks on his family but does his best to avoid Memory, heaven forbid he does prank her, the Afterdeath house hold becomes a full on war zone.(of pranks)

- Speaking of war zones, when the Afterdeath family has a snowball fight it's basically every man for himself.

-Geno and Death are a super fluffy couple, like wholesome as shit.

- (crack HC)Hand holding is pretty intimate according to Death, so Sans and Geno constantly tease him by holding hands in front of him.

- Geno and Sans have bar nights sometimes but Death is always DD because he doesn't like alcohol.

- Goth once got into the liquor cabinet, lets just say he's never done that again.

- When Goth was a baby learning how to float, Death tied a rope around his waist to make sure he didn't float to high up, one time Goth got out of the rope but fell to the ground because he couldn't control it.

- "I'm the ultimate dictator! Bow to me! Bow" "This is monopoly!"

- Death sometimes likes to be a little shit so he will respond to anyone that's like "can you pass me the remote" with "I don't know can I?" until they say 'may'

- When Goth and Palette started dating, to be a dick, Death would sharpen his scythe anytime Palette came over. He wouldn't actually hurt Palette, he just found it amusing.

- You'd be surprised on who's the overprotective one, cuz it certainly isn't Geno.

- One time, Goth got his hand stuck in a sink drain. He was like that for a good 20 minutes because Geno was to busy laughing his ass off.

- Remember the blankets? Well Death likes to submerge himself into them when he's stressed.

- Hide and Seek always sucks cuz Death always wins.

- There's a crawlspace in the Afterdeath house hold. When Goth was little, Memory made it a little hide out for him. Now that's his secret reading spot the only two people who know besides him are Memory and Palette.

- Death taught Goth everything he knows about fighting with a scythe, and yet Goth still sucks at it.

- If Death is going to be gone for a long time, Geno will put the blankets in the dryer and keep the bundled on the bed for when he comes home.

- Death is in no way shape or form the dominate one, neither is Geno, it's a co-op relationship.

- Once Goth grew out of calling Geno 'Mom' the family began to use it to embarrass him.

- Goth got his height from Death and yet he's still shorter than his father

- When Memory's timeline was restored, Goth wouldn't let her leave until she promised to vist them, she has kept true to her word and visits them every two weeks or so.
---Added 8/4/19-----
- Geno radiates Chaotic Energy

-Death does too

- The one time Death got drunk he was carrying a chair over his head saying "I'm the chair god. God of Chairs"

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