Soul Bond

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Soul bonding was said to be the strongest peek in ones relationship. Though not everyone could have a soul bond, both partners would have to love each Other in equal amounts. If one decided that they no longer love their partner when their souls are bonded it could leave the others soul to shatter. It could physically bring pain to the other. If the soul bond is forced it could also result in great pain.

Luckily that wasn't a real problem for Death or Geno. Though nither one of them understood the feeling. Well Geno did but due to some experiences in the past, he never wanted to get to attached to Death. On the other hand, Death had no idea what this feeling was, he felt it once before but it wasn't this strong. He hates it, it makes him feel all awkward and warm. It also frustrated him, he wasn't really made to feel a great amounts of emotions, as it could interfere with his job.

Death tried everything to find out what this emotion was, it only made his frustration worse. He looked around the ruble of the town he was drawn to. Earthquakes oh how fun. He was cautious, awaiting the aftermaths as he went through his book. Geno had helped him fix it after the stupid flood he got caught in because no other god seemed to have felt the need to warn him of the dangers of Monsoon season that the hot blazing desert known as Arizona had to offer. The memory of Geno's laugh, his smile, the fact he called Death cute because the god became frustrated at the hot glue gun, it made that stupid feeling return.

The god crossed the last name off the list. Groaning as he shoved it in his cloak. He made his way through the town, tragic. He imagined everyone going about their day when a magnitude 7.5 Earthquake came in and destroyed the place. Man was nature merciless, children to adults. But it didn't really faze Death, he was used to it.

He was about to open a portal back to Reapertale when the urge to visit Geno hit him. Geno, his best friend, the second person to believe him. And there goes that feeling. Why was it that every time he thought of Geno the feeling would burst like a dam overflowing with water. That's when Death had an idea, maybe Geno knew what he was feeling and maybe then Geno could help rid of this stupid feeling.

Death opened a portal and hopped into the void, a smile formed on his face when he saw Geno sleeping peacefully. For once. His face felt warm, did him being in that town somehow get him sick? No that could be it, he didn't feel sick, just warm. Death made his way toward Geno, he gently shook the other awake.

"Hey Geno, Geno wake up" Death spoke hushed. Geno's eyes fluttered open as he sat up, he yawned, there was the feeling Death hates. "Hey Death is everything ok?" Geno turned to face his friend, "Yea, ya' know when we were talking about this whole 'developing emotions' thing?" Geno thought for a moment, "yea why? Did you get angry at your cloak again cuz if so-" "N-No its not that! Besides that was only once and I've made adjustments!" Geno smiled at the memory of Death falling face first because the clumsy god tripped on his own cloak, "alright if you say so" Death looked away, hiding his 'Embarrassment' "look I need help figuring out this slightly new emotion it won't go away" Geno looked at Death in a concerned manner. Hoping the emotion wasn't any where near depression, even though Geno was halfway convinced that Death already knew that one well. "Alright, what's up?" Death gripped the ends of the sleeves " Lately I've been feeling all warm and fuzzy, and I hate it. Its like every time you come to mind it makes itself known. And I can't keep myself from smiling and thinking of you." Geno's conceded look flattened... Death loved him... He didn't want that. He loved Death too, but that was the issue, he was already so attached to the god. But a relationship with him.... He couldn't bare to lose Death too. It hurt Geno so much but he had to tell his friend. " its called love Death" Death tilted his head in confusion "I thought that was Level Of ViolencE, I don't feel like a murderous type of warmth" Geno did what he could in holding back a smile, " not that kind of Love Death. You see the love I'm talking about is when you really like someone more then just friends and you feel like they make your world so much better." Death smiled "Then I guess I love you" Geno's soul sank. "Geno? Is everything ok?" Death reached his hand out before it was slapped away, Death was taken back as he pulled his hand to his chest. "Did I say something wrong? Is that not how it works?" Geno shook his head "no you did it right, its just... Death I can't love you back"

Those words, why did they hurt the god so much, he was used to people telling him how much they hate him. So why did that hurt? Why did he feel hurt? Its not like Geno physically hurt him, why did his soul hurt? Death felt something glide down his face, his had subconsciously moved up, lightly touching his cheek. He moved his hand down. Water? Was Death crying? He never really cried before, he's seen mortals cry all the time. He tried to speak but the words didn't form. Instead anger began to rise. Geno hurt him for no reason. It was rude to say the less. "Fine" Death spat before dissapering. Leaving Geno alone... Regreting his every choice.

Y'all thought this was going to be cute huh? Lol think again! Anyways I'll probably make a part two.))

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