Criminal Mind- Part 6 (final)

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Death would be lying if he said he didn't wish. Wish that he was wrong, that this was just some petty anger and blind delusion to the pain. He reaches the door step to Geno's house. He reached up to knock on the door, but hesitated, like his body was physically repulsed by the idea. But he pushes through it and knocks. There's shuffling inside, the door opens, "Death? What are you doing here?" Geno asks, he sounds tired. "I uh, wanted to talk..." Geno sighs and opens the door, allowing Death inside. "What'ch ya wanna talk about" the door closes.

Death looks around the house, still clean as ever. "Umm I just had to ask, what happened to your scarf?" Death didn't want to be right. "Oh some asshole took it from me in the store... I found it in the trash a few hours later, 's in the wash still. Trash is a very potent smell." Geno explained. Walking into the kitchen. "Want anything to drink?" Geno called, "no" he calls back. He walks into the wash room. He sees the scarf on the drying rack. There's a tear in it. He wondered if maybe he really was wrong. "Snooping around are you? If you looking for anything inappropriate you're looking in the wrong room" Death's head spun around, he looked back at the scarf than back at Geno.

     Geno looked like he was going to make another statement when there was a heavy knock on the door, followed by a muffled call. And then it hit Death, he called the others because he thought Geno-oh no. "Huh, that sounds like a cop knock heh" Geno walks out of the wash room and opens the door, only to meet with guns pointed at him and the familiar sound of his friends voice telling him to get down. He drops to his knees, confused. An officer pushing him down on the ground, reading him his rights. He looked back up, trying to ask what was happening, he looked towards his partner. As other officers ask him if he was ok.

In the interrogation room, Geno sat, pissed, he looked up at the young officer standing infront of him, "So you don't have any evidence pointing to me? That doesn't seem like reasonable cause or reasonable suspicion to me." Geno spits, leaning forward in the chair. "Who told you that it was me?" "I can't tell you that. You know this. And we barely have any evidence at the crime scene. No print, No spit, nothing. Doesn't seem like something any other human or monster could do." Geno blinked, about to make a comeback but files are thrown on the table, files he very well knows because half of them he wrote. "These cases-" "are all from the same crime, yes I know that. I know each and everyone of them. I wrote them." "Ok. Where were you when the chief's husband was killed?" He slides over a file and opens it.

It's the only one Geno doesn't recognize, but that wouldn't matter, he took the file with shaky hands, "oh my stars.... Are the kids ok?" The young officer was confused, Geno fought back tears but you can see them in his eyes, "what- yes their fine, now answer the question." Geno looked back up, "at home, working on some old projects I never got to work on. I make cakes. You can ask my buddy Sans if you need anyone to bare witness. I talked to him almost the entire day." Geno sat back, looking at the officer. "Ok. Well explain your scarf. A piece of red fabric was found in Cross' pocket." The officer smirked as Geno looked at him in confusion. "Some guy came and took it from my hands when I went to adjust by locket."

     "I found it torn in the trash a few hours later. Probably torn when I tried to keep the little shit from taking it." Geno sat back up, placing his hands on the table. "You know, without me being an actual, justifiable, suspect. You uh can't keep me here." The officer was about to make a comeback but was cut off by the door opening. "Go on now Jeremy. I'll handle it from here." It was Death! The door closes, "thank stars! I was starting to believe that the kid wouldn't let me out, heh. So do the honors of uncuffing me?" Geno lifts his wrists, cuffed to the table,but Death shakes his head. "Wha-" "you've been acting off lately Geno. And not mention the scarf, someone took it, really? Is that the best lie you've got?" Death sat at the table, staring at Geno, eyes stoic.

  There's a brief scilence."What the hell? That's not a lie, that's the truth. And I don't know if you're aware, people are dying. Dream died, and now apparently Cross is dead! And then there eas that girl, so yea! I've been off!" Geno snapped. Death took a deep breath. "Your basement?" Geno blinked, "what about it? Sans usually keeps the key." Death stood up straight. "We found this" he places the picture of Cross and Dream in the table. "What? I-" "when will you stop lying to me?" Geno was at a loss... But something clicked, "you think I did this, don't you?" Geno just stared at his hands, now trembling in the cuffs.

    Tears welling in his eyes at the others small yes. "Di- Did you call them?" Geno looks up at Death seeing the other hesitate. He lets out a bitter chuckle, "unbelievable. Un-fucking-believable! You think I did this Death! You call the cops on me! Your boyfriend! Is that why you came over!? How could you! You fucking asshole!" Death flinched at the others yelling. Geno stopped, looking dead into the others eyes, "Geno. We have evidence in your basement! The picture! The chemicals!" Geno pushed his chair back as he stood, straining his wrists, not that he felt it anyways. Two officers enter the room,but Death motions them to leave. Standing himself "I don't own the key to the basement Death! Sans-" as if the answer finally clicked, Geno stopped. "What about him!" Geno looked at Death before the files on the table, "Sans is the only one with access to thw basement..." Geno sat down, a mix of horror and betrayal cross his features. "He knew.... He knew that, that I would be out.... The..." Death seems to catch on. He looks over the files, eye lights trailing the evidence, "but the scarf?" "He said he was going to wash it down stairs do the smell wouldn't fill my house." Geno looked back up, watching Death figure it all out. "Then-" "you just blamed the wrong man." There's spite in the words.

   Death motioned to the mirrors for an officer to come in. He has Geno uncuffed. "I- I'm so sorry Geno-" "Don't. After tomight never talk to me unless it's work related." The underlying message is clear, their over. Three years of a relationship done, and for what? The squad pulls up to Geno's house, and the other walks over to the outside doors of the basment, "here." A bigger officer comes over, followed by heavily armed men.

     They count to three before busting open the doors, they make their way down to the basement and turn on the lights. "To the left, then a right. There's a bedroom. He should-" a loud bang catches them off guard, "Down!" They drop to the floor, Geno covers his head, but is roughly draged up, he lets out a strangled grunt.  "Don't move- or- or I'll shoot" Great. Like this day couldn't get any worse. Literally, held as a hostage by someone he considered his friend. "Sans. What are you doing?" He needs to reason his way out of this. "I- I'm not about to end it here." Geno brings his hand up to the others arm holding him by the neck, "just calm down and drop the gun" "put the gun down" another officer calls, now that Geno is paying attention everyone is holding their guns at the pair, "No! Why would I. I'm sorry Geno b-but I can't let you get away with what you've done" "what? What are you talkin- Fuck!" Theres a pained gasp, a needle in his spine, he can't move, there's three loud bangs and he falls back with his now thrid dead friend.

  At this point, dying didn't sound so bad. All of his friends are dead, the one person he truly loved blamed him for it, and now- now it seemed like a good idea. He can recognize a voice calling out for him, somethings ripped from his back, but what ever was in it has already began to do its job. Red liquid begins to fall from his mouth and eyes. Death wants to scream, no no no no no no no no no no. Please no. Not when the last thing I did was accuse him of these crimes. Please. But his begging is to deaf ears. And his friend, the only person not afraid of him, loved him. Dead in his arms... Another funeral, another solved case. Another lost detective. All because he jumped to conclusions.

  Aaaaaaa. Holy shit. Hahaha despite the fact that I'm literally going on three hours of sleep I want to give you all the end of the fist of hopefully many muilty part story. I don't have a good record of sequels so I am really happy I got this done. Even if it's not the best because im super tired. Hope you enjoyed.

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