Criminal Mind- part 5

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It's dark. He tries to move but he finds himself, what's the last thing he can remeber? He was coming home from a trip, then there was that guy on the side of- he starts to struggle, he's not aware of his surroundings. He needs to get home, he promised his daughter he'd be home for her birthday. He lets out a loud yelp through the gag, the chair has been kicked back. Cross looked up with a hint of determination. He continues his efforts. "Quit struggling." The kidnapper growls. Lifting him back up, Cross is able to free a hand but decides not to let the other person know. The room is dark with dim lighting. "Now let's see. Hmm. I guess this works" he grabs the hammer off a table, and a needle or two. Cross waited for the other person to get closer he uses his free hand and grabs the first thing he can around the neck. He grabs some soft fabric and drags the person down. The fabric in his hand rips and Cross manages to free his hands. The person struggles to get back up, Cross frees his leg and kicks them. He struggles to get his other leg free and books it in the dark room. He stumbles and trips a few times. The kidnapper is behind him quickly and grabs him, Cross gasps and falls over, "that was very rude of you." Cross spits out the gag "fuck you!" He grips the other shoulder and throws the guy over. He hears something thud on the grown and looks at the shine, a phone! He picks it up and uses the light from the screen and runs. Now being able to see somewhat of where he was going. He made his way to the stairs and began running up the stairs. He tries to open the door but it doesn't work. Cross lets out a frustrated cry. He pats his pockets down, then his chest, relieved to feel the bulky blade. He pulls out his knife and puts it in the door where the latch met the holder and pushed open. He cries in releife and tries to make a run, hes half way through the hall when a loud bang stops him in his tracks. Cross looks down and sees the red fill the white shirt. He crummbles to the floor. "I didn't want to do that. But you gave me no choice." Cross looks up as hes turned to his back. His eyes widen- it's the man from the side of the road.

  The week after the shooting. Death was standing infront of the grave, watching them place the coffin inside. Geno stood beside him, sighing wipping the tears from his face. Death leaned against him, in hopes of sinking some form of comfort. Dream was their friend. Their boss. And genuinely a good guy. Death hasn't been sleeping well since that night. He couldn't even look at his own hand gun. But what broke his heart more was Dream's kids. A week after and their wasn't a single sign of Cross. When he looks up from the grave he can see the oldest, Palette, practically wailing over the grave. Death felt hurt at the sight. A week ago he was telling them that everything would be ok, but things weren't. Lux was confused, holding onto the young gentlemen, crying into the others shoulder. An older gentleman stood behind them, Death met him, and apparently his name was Swap. The others godfather.

   Another week goes by, Cross was still missing. Death had been working his ass off to find the guy who took these kids dad away. But he was coming up empty handed and it hurt so bad. Geno had been little help, and Death hated to say it, but he was beginning to think Geno didn't even care. He wasn't helping the other, he didn't even talk to him much anymore. He got into his car after a bunch of empty leads. He was driving home and turned on the radio.

  "Braking news. After two weeks, it seems the Juko family is burring the only parent left. Found only 3 hours ago by haven saints police department, they body of Cross Juko, who recently went missing coming home from a business trip." 

   Death had to pull over. He couldn't see out of the tears falling from his eyes. He let out chocked sobs, as the news reporter went on to say;
   "Haven Saint PD is investigating the death after discovering a piece of red cloth in the others pant pocket, we will keep you updated on recent discovery"

Red cloth? For some reason he couldn't explain, Death thinks of Geno. He heads back on the road but takes the route to his partners house. He doesn't know why, but it doesn't sink well. He racks his brain as to why before it clicks. Geno wasn't wearing his scarf at the funeral was he? Death felt this tightening feeling in his chest, Geno also hadn't been seen a week after he was let go. He hadn't shown up to the briefing that took place shortly after Dream was hospitalised. Death grabs his phone and looks at his contacts before quickly calling a work friend, it rings, "Death. What's wrong. It's very late" "Tori, call up Outer and them. I- I have a suspect but he may be armed." "What- are you sure about that? What if you're wrong" "then thank stars above." He hangs up and pulls into Geno's neighbourhood, a few houses down he parks. Stepping out he makes his way to Geno's place. "Stars prove me wrong".

   ((It's a give away at this point but fear not friends. The story ends next chapter which might take a little longer posting because of the content in it.))

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