Some Alpha and Lotus content

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Thank you Myoukin for making up these cute ideas with me. Cuz now these two are my favorite thing//

Good girl

Geno rushed up the steps, Alpha by his side, "what's going on?" He asks, as Goth and Palette stood by the bathroom door. "Lotus just started freaking out-" "Not the right words" Goth gently corrected, Palette made a small 'oops' Geno shook his head, "in here?" He asks, pointing to the bathroom door. The two nod, "Ok girl, you know what to do." He gently guides the service dog into the bathroom where he can make out the youngers chocked sobs, and shuddering breathing, "I'm sending in Alpha ok hun?" Theres a strangled 'ok'. Meanwhile in the small skeleton shook in the corner, holding onto the his bleeding hand. He feels the dog nuzzle against him, he pushes his injured hand to his chest and move the other one to snap at his side, Alpha doesn't follow instead she puts her front paws on his chest, "o- ok" he stammers, Alpha moves so Lotus can lie on the floor, she lays her body on top of his, nuzzling her noze into in neck. He lays there, taking deep breaths to steady himself, it helped having Alpha on him. Gave him the sense of ground. Assuring nothing will come for him easily. When's he's calm enough, he snaps to his side, Alpha complies and moves to allow him to sit up. She moves to his side, and Lotus gently pets her with his uninjured hand. "Can I come in, Just me?" Geno asks, Lotus takes a shaky breath in before replying with a soft yea.

Cuddle buddy

It's to no surprise hes up again, looking into the open door, he wants to wake them, to ask if maybe he could sleep in the room again. But he feels bad, this would have been the third time, and while the god of Death had been working and Geno usually had to wake up soon, so the adult had no problem starting his day half an hour earlier, Lotus still felt really bad. He stands there shuffling nervously and he decides that he's already done it enough, but cleaning the dishes always seemed to wake either Geno or Goth up. So he couldn't do that. He gave a small frustrated whine before walking back to his room, leaving the door open. Unaware that his little fidgets at the door seemed to have awaken a fellow housemate. He lies awake on his bed, when he hears the sound of his door open a bit more, which causes him to sit up in a panic. But he's immediately met with relief when he sees a big fluffy dog sitting besides his bed. "Sorry Alpha I didn't mean to wake you" He whispers, the dog only huffs pawing at his bed, "oh- um- you can- um come up here" he pats his bed gently, watching the dog climb up the bed, she lays down right next to him, huffing again and nuzzling his face, Lotus snorts silently when he gets dog fur in his mouth, but suddenly, he feels a lot safer. Maybe it was the fact that Alpha was literally as tall as him, hell maybe a bit taller, on her hind legs, and she was a big dog too. He smiled as he closed his eyes, "Alpha I'm tired" she curls gently around him. And Lotus does the same, falling asleep. Later in the morning when Geno is rushing to find his dog,vest in hand, he enters Lotus' room, and his soul flips at the sight of the dog curled up with Lotus' upper half laying on her and his legs covered by the dog. "Alpha" he whispers, watching the dog perk up and leave the sleeping teen, Lotus stirs up doesn't wake up. The sun is rising so Geno takes it as it being brighter. He gently closes the door, crouching down to dress his dog, "looks like you found yourself a cuddle buddy huh?" He coos. He pats her head before standing back up, "alright girl lets get the day started."

Comfort of a Saint Bernard

It happened again, Lotus let himself be fooled by Rurik once again. Once he was safe inside the house, he ran straight to his room. He sits in between the dresser and wall. Crying, he was so stupid, so so stupid. There's a small scratch at his door, before it opens "G- Go Away" he heaved between sobs, but theres a nudge between his arms that had subconsciously wrapped around him when he huddled closer. The dogs nose peaks through, large tounge sticking out, the sight makes Lotus giggle. He uncovers his face, and Alpha pushes forward dragging her tounge across the others face, "e-eww Alpha- plea- Please" Lotus snorts through tears as the dog continues her onslaught of kisses. "O-Ok Ok I'm ok!" He sniffles and gently pushes the dog from his face. He wipes it, before looking at Alpha and smiles, "Thank you..." He mummers and watches the dog blink, before laying down, letting the smaller pet her.

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