new home

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     Goth gripped onto his counterparts hand. Feeling Lotus' hand tremble in their own. "What- what if they're just like my parents!? Goth I- I can't" Goth turned and looked at Lotus with sympathy "trust me Lo. Their nothing like you're parents. I would know. Besides you need this, Palette and I already made the arrangements, since he basically lives here half the time. You've been living in pain for your whole life, you deserve a break." Lotus shuddered and gripped Goth's hand tighter, "right. Right. I'm sorry-" "dude. You're good. I get it." the two made their way up the steps, Goth opened the door and was meet with streamers. He slapped them out of his face "Really!? When you said you were decorating, I didn't think you would go all out" Goth pulled Lotus through the door.

     "Sorry? I mean we're your parents so I get to decide how much I decorate. Now where is he?" Goth blinked before seeing the other behind him and watching Lotus tremble in fear. "Yea.. Maybe don't let dad say hi first." Geno blinked and redirected his gaze to the cowering figure behind his son. Geno crouched down, motioning Goth to move, which he did. Lotus threw his arms up to guard his face. He waited, but there was no yelling or a smack. He moved his arms away from his face cautiously.

    Geno smiled softly at him, "hello Lotus." his voice was so soft and kind, Lotus was thrown off guard. "Hello s-sir" Geno smile never left as he gently shook his head "You don't have to call me that hun." Lotus blinked dumbfounded. He looked to Goth for answers, but all he got was a big thumbs up. "I-I'm sorry.. Umm" "Geno, or whatever you like." Lotus looked even more confused. No one has ever said that, 'whatever you like', what was he supposed to say or do.

     "You can call him Docter, he has a Ph.D so-" "No Goth that is a title. And if Lotus is staying with us until he's ready to leave then I will treat him like family." Geno reminded.. Like family? "Is dad ok?" Lotus asked quietly, almost startling Geno but he turned around with excitement in his eye "if that's what you like." Lotus nodded. Geno stood up and offered his hand to Lotus, who carefully took it. "Goth why don't you go help your father, and of it's ok with you, I'll show you to your room." Lotus nodded but hesitated. "Don't worry Palette's up there too" "Palette's here?" Goth asked, "yea. He's up there in your- well your guys' room moving things around.

     "He has his headphones on so I don't think he heard you two walk in" Goth hummed before walking into the kitchen. Lotus felt more comfortable knowing that someone he trusted slightly was up there. He let himself be let upstairs. "Down the hall is the bathroom, there's a first aid in there, but if you are ever really hurt there's the master bathroom. It's basically a hospital in there so you can find anything you need.

   "On the left is a study, in case you're a reading type. I've got some good collections in there if you're into Edgar Allen Poe." Lotus marveled at the pale cream walls before his head perked "you have Edgar Allen Poe?" he asked excitedly but then realized he cut Geno off and quickly looked to the floor muttering apologies. "Yes I do. And you can read any of the books I do. You also don't have to apologize for being excited."

   Lotus looked up before nodding and muttering an apology for being sorry. Which seemed dumb so he apologized again. Geno smiled and shook his head. "You're ok Lotus. But on to your room. Which is right here." Lotus looked at the pale wood door, "Death and my room are right next door and Goth and Palette's room are right across. But here you are." Geno concluded as he opened the door.

   Lotus took a hesitant step inside. Looking around, the room was bright and painted a light blue and light peach color. There was a bed with an array of clothes on it and white curtains. Windows that weren't barred. And topped off with faire lights on two of the walls.
     It surely beat the cold and dark colors that he was used to. "There are clothes on the bed for you. I didn't know what kind of style you go for so I stuck with basic clothes. I also used Goths measurements but made the shirts a tad bigger. You seem malnourished, so some of the clothes may be a bit big. If you need belts don't hesitate to ask. But other than that, do you like it?" Geno smiled as he leaned against the door frame.

    Seeing Lotus marvel at the room and clothes he already knew the answer but he wanted Lotus to be used to feeling included and validated. "Y-yes. It's very nice. Thank you" Lotus stuttered out. Geno waved his hand "no need hun. You can get dressed if you want to change, I'll grab your bags and bring them up here. Then we can eat, sounf good?" Lotus nodded and watched as Geno closed the door behind him.
    Lotus eagerly walked over and mulled over the options. Before he made his decision he quickly rushed to the door and down stairs where Geno was walking in with his only two bags. "Oh! Do you have-" "what's my dresscode?" Lotus asked catching Geno off guard. "You don't have one?" Geno spoke unsurely. Lotus nodded before taking his bags, thanking Geno before making his way upstairs.

    Smiling as he shut the door again and went for the green sweater and black jeans, similar to the ones he was wearing but without the tears and dirt. He pulls the cloak and belts off first. Becoming uncomfortable with his scared arms showing so he quickly removed his shirt but that didn't help him feel comfortable at all. Especially looking in the mirror that was placed in the room. Staring at the reflection and it's picture of the years of unresting abuse. Rancor spoken through deep scars and pure unwanted lust shown through prominent and permanent bite marks.
    It hurt to look at so Lotus threw on the sweater and didn't even look as he took off his boots and jeans, before replacing them with the new pair. Lotus sat on the bed to re-tie them but looked at the dresser tucked in the corner, there were new looking shoes. Some in the boxes marked with his name so he carefully opened one, seeing pastel colored sneakers. Lotus pulled them out and put them on, looking at his new reflection made him feel happier. He tucked in the sweater which helped fill some of the empty space. He was malnourished.

    So he went down stairs but froze on the last step, everyone was at the bottom talking and setting up a table but what caught his attention was the black shrouded figure, he felt fear and it made him nauseous. "Oh cool you found the sho- Lotus?" Goth called out as he slowly reached his friend and followed his gaze. Death was staring right back at him, but it wasn't it hate or rancor, but rather concern. "Hey it's ok. He's not going to hurt-" "it's ok Lotus take you're time." Geno cut Goth off, he had seen cases similar, he worked with kids in and out of foster care with usually pretty scaring backgrounds. So taking his time was the best he could offer.

    Lotus slowly made his way down, meeting Death, who was only a foot taller than him and a foot shorter than Geno. Death crouched down slightly before carefully reaching out, Lotus flinched but relaxed when he felt the hand rest gently upon the shoulder. And looking into the eyes of its owner, Lotus was a hit surprised to see two eyelights that shone with excitement. "Hello Lotus. It's so good to meet you" Lotus smiled and nodded. The older of the two stood up and grabbed Geno's hand muttering something before the two smiled. "Now lets get you something to eat.". Lotus nodded in agreement. Already feeling safe. Already feeling loved. Already feeling at home.

//Reeee. Ok but like this is a cute idea and none of you trash gremlins can convince me otherwise. Because we stan Lotus being healthy. Or taking steps to become healthy. With or without Rurik. Anyways. I have this really long one-shot I'm writing and I'm to afraid to make it into a two parter because we all know how those go. I also have finals in a week so that's gonna strip the motivation outta me. On a side note. I want it to snow here in Arizona. Because I miss the snow. I know you snow people don't like it so if there is anyway for you to give me the snow. Please do.///

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