Poth and Afterdeath drabbles

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Sharing small kisses on the couch, quickly turned into longer and much more heated kisses. Geno pulled away, making a flirtatious remark and before he could continue the heated kisses, both skeletons on the couch let out a fearful scream at the fluffy mass that jumped up on them. "Death!" the smaller one in mention tried to fight off the fur infiltrating his mouth. "Alpha. Down. Down girl, off" Geno tried to push the saint Bernard/ great Dane mix off of his lover. "You don't even have your vest on!" he cried before the dog finally jumped off the couch. Taking her place happily on the side of the couch. Geno looked back at the dog pressing his 'lips' and and squinting his eye at the dog. Before looking at his lover. Seeing the smaller skeleton try in vain to blow off the dog fur on his face. "Ok. I get it." Death spoke looking back at the dog "I'm not allowed to touch the crippled." earning a blink from the dog and a light smack from the other skeleton on the couch.


Goth ran up the stair upon his partners scream. In fear that he might be hurt, the smaller had a first aid kit in hand. However coming into his shared room led him to the screaming male who was on the bed and holding a bottle of bug spray. "Palette what are you doing?!" The other pointed to the wall, following the direction, Goth now saw the culprit. A Daddy Long Legs chilling on the wall. "Aww how cute." Goth cooed as he walked over and scooped it up letting it crawl over his hand. Goth looked over at his companion "What? Afriad of a little Daddy Long Legs. He's cute." Palette cringe and made a gag noise. "It's not cute! It's gross! Ew. Ew. Your letting it crawl on your hand!" Goth snorted "Palette their not even spiders" Palette shook his head "Eight legs. A small gross body. Makes webs. That's a spider. And spiders are spawns of Satan!" Goth laughed before shaking his head. "Here I'll let you rest and put this little dude outside." Goth walked over and let it outside and watched it run off.


"Oh gosh where did we put baby Jesus! Toriel is coming over and we can't let her know we're not children of God!" "Geno please. You've had too much rum. We're trying to decorate" Death called "It's not Christmas without Baby Jesus!" Geno called back before poking out of the box "Ah white Baby Jesus there you are!" Geno ran out of the storage room holding a tiny porcelain baby Jesus in his hands.

Cuddles fix somethings

Goth sighed as he looked at the tv. He yelped as a heavier body fell onto his own. With a sigh, Goth gently traced the others spine. "Guessing that he still didn't take no for an answer ?" Palette let out a groan "Nooo. Because he's a dick" Goth snickered "yea but haven't we've come to this conclusion when he left you guys?" "Yup. And then he showed up to Dad and Cross' wedding" "Oh yea that was awkward." Palette and Goth both giggled. Before they settled in silence.

Temporary care taker

Geno was waking around the store with Death trailing behind and Alpha at his side. And while Death noticed Geno was a bit swervey be didn't think to much of it. Long night at the office, he recalls. It wasn't until he noticed Alpha pressing against his side and whining. Geno stops and realizes that when he stopped he felt really dizzy, like he had just been dancing in circles rather than walking. Death caught up, placing his hand on Geno's back. "Lets get you on the floor." Geno didn't fight back when he was sat and then laid on the floor, it took only thirty more seconds before the taller male fainted. Following that, Alpha made her was on top of the skeleton and laid down on him. She rests her nuzzle against his neck and licks his cheek. Death sat down, ignoring stares and comments coming from fellow shoppers. He smiled at the service dog, and waited. Being approached by employees a few times, and reassuring that this was normal and that he would be ok. After about 30 minutes, Geno finally began to slowly shift. Petting Alpha's fur. "Good girl, what a good job." Death praised for his husband. Getting a blink in repose from the temporary care taker.

This was a fun little break from the almost 2,000 word one shot. I like the idea of Geno having a service dog, because at some point CQ mentioned that Geno would have trouble walking which is why he is carried by Paps at the end. So while I like the idea thathe uses a cane or a wheel chair I also threw in some of the content here that he is prone to just general weakness and fainting so ye. I also like the mix of Poth in this book so yea //

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