Do you ever just wonder?

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Do you ever just wonder what drives a person to do something so wrong? So unforgivable? Geno did. He wondered and wondered but nothing ever came through. Perhaps he had been wrong about Death, maybe the other was right. Geno didn't know him at all. Maybe that's why he was so angry, maybe it was because he didn't even notice the others actions, how bottled and chained up everything had been for him. However, it meant nothing anymore. Geno stood in front of the stone statue of his former friend, scythe mid raise and an expression of pain. He half expected that spell to fail him, he expected to be dead.

Taking a deep breath, Geno decided to finally free his old friend, anger still resided in him, but its been 5 years now. Taking out one of his books and a piece of chalk he began to reverse the spell that had imprisoned his friend many years ago. He quickly stepped back as the spell began to work, the skeleton watched as the other came back with a loud gasp the scythe fell from the others hands.

Pure betrayal filled Death as he looked back at his once good friend. "You" he siethed, "You bastard!" Death spat, but Geno remained emotionless "Your welcome" Geno spoke coldly. Death looked at his former friend with resentment "Are you serious!? You trapped me in stone for heavens know how-" "You were out of control. I did what was needed, no need to be childish abou-" Death growled loudly as he pushed Geno onto the floor "Childish!? Oh excuse me for protecting myself from you!" Geno pushed himself up, dusting off his shirt, he looked back at Death, "I freed you, quit being ungreatful" the sourcer spat, Rage filled the other as he looked away "Oh of course, where are my manners, Thank you for imprisoning me for so long only because you got you fucking head twisted around." Death spat sarcastically. Geno was going to snap back but stopped as he noticed, this is what happened before. Death looked at the ground "you didn't even give me a chance to defend myself. I thought you were my best friend." All was silent, until "5 years. I have debated freeing you for 5 years Death." Death turned to look at Geno "Then why didn't you?" "Because I was scared-" "Scared of what!? Of me hurt-" "I was scared that after all of this you would hate me!" the silence found them again. Death let out a puff before picking up his scythe " Well maybe you were right." and like that he left.

After several months Geno found himself asking the same question. He was walking through the market, when he bumped into someone "Ah, sorry! He's blind" a female voice replyed, Geno smiled softly as he opened his eyes to give a ' no problem' he froze, Death was clinging onto a females arm, her fur obviously made it a little harder for him to really hold on, but that's when he noticed the scars that spiderwebbed around the others sockets " it's.... It's no problem" Geno spoke. He could see the others face drop, as if he realized who he had run into. "We should get going, before the shops close" the girl nodded as she bid her farewell to Geno and walked away, guiding Death with her.

The second time Geno saw those two, he was sitting in the small clearing, picking some of the mushroom that had grown, ones the market didn't sell. He looked over to see the two talking to one another, gathering fresh herbs from the river side. The lady turned and waved to him telling Death who was there, and like before, Death looked down.

Finally Geno confronted his old friend " Oh you two know each other? How splendid now Death can finally spend some time with fr-" "we aren't friends anymore Life." the lady- Life Geno assumed she was called, looked at Geno with curiosity. "Oh. Well then.." Geno sighed "I only want to talk" Life looked back to Death, as he gripped her arm a little tighter "I do not believe that would be wise." Life informed. Geno sighed but nodded anyway "of course. I supposed I should be on my way" As Geno turned to leave, a small hand gripped his arm "fine. But you have 10 minutes" Death spoke.

After more then 10 minutes, Geno was sure, Death and him sat quietly " So why did you do it?" Death asked "back then. When you attacked me. Why?" Geno looked down before he answered "I was upset. Jealous I guess you can say. I envied how you knew so much and you were so smart and powerful, I guess I just resented you for it. You acted so immature and yet you were so powerful" Geno looked down at his hands, it sounded so silly now "Geno... I didn't realise you viewed me that way... I don't even think I'm powerful at all" Death turned his head to the side, as if thinking about his next words but Geno beat him to it " what happened? I mean. Your eyes" "a failed spell." Death spoke softly.

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