Something lol

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  I just wanna say, while I am still trying to fight my motivational with Fraud to Kin, I feel like I need to move away from it lol. I wanna try writting something short on a schedule, this is for a number of reasons.

1. It'll help with improving my skills lf I write at least a drabble at best on a timely manner

2. I'm hoping it'll help improve my memory. This is actually a serious problem that I have. And it's grow worse in the past four years. I know that it's gotta be my shity sleeping schedule, and really bad stress. But it's hard to focus on both. So I'm hoping that by making myself follow a schedule, seeing as I'm up at night anyways, I can start working on it there.

3. Another thing I'm working on is actually finishing things. Like art. I want to produce things in a timely manner, but I want to also make sure I can finish them. I have reflected on where I went wrong in my attempts at writing multi parter stories, to which I found it's usually this feeling that I have to get it out the next day or I'll lose the interest of the reader. And that other writers can publish quicker than I can, so I have no excuse. This isn't a healthy mindset to put myself in, which I think is what inevitably lead to me feeling like Fraud to Kin was more or less a chore and not something I enjoyed writting.

4. Honestly, it's not a bad idea. At all. And it's something I should already be doing. But as mentioned earlier, I struggle with memory and often times forget I had a schedule in the first place.

  Now am I gonna abandon Fraud to Kin, well in short, yea, for the mean time at least. I mean I could actually make it a story on it's own. Becuase it'll be a hell of a lot easier to do that than sit here trying to compact an entire AU story into a few parts. If that is something you all may be interested in, I'd be glad to do so. But for now it'll likely be in the drafts for a while. As I want to write things that are more interesting and less stressful lol.

But yea. Also, and don't worry this is my last point, I really feel like I should write more Afterdeath, but as time goes on, I feel like I no longer really enjoy writing Afterdeath. I mean i still ship it don't get me wrong, but I can't really think of ideas, but I still want to write something Afterdeath related????  Idk, for now, y'all are probably gonna have to deal with Poth for a while longer til I can find an idea that sparks some motivation for Afterdeath. Anyways.

  Thanks for sticking around, uhhh as a reward here's a drawing of Lotus.

  Thanks for sticking around, uhhh as a reward here's a drawing of Lotus

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