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Its been raining here in Arizona for the past three days and its all misty and shit. Perfect weather for some noice fics//

The misty roads were hard to drive in and the night sky made it really hard to see. Geno made his way home, it was currently 3:32 in the morning. The rain hadn't stopped and didn't seem to show signs of stopping.

Once he pulled into the drive way, he quickly stepped out of the car and pulling out his keys. He looked for his house keys but they weren't there. That's when Geno remembered that they were sitting in his office. Fuck. Geno tried knocking on the door, he knew Goth or Death wouldn't be home, so there was no point in trying. However, he tried anyway.

After a few knocks Geno gave up. He sat there as the rain grew worse, just his luck. He hid his face in his hands so the eye patch he wore didn't get waterlogged. He sat there until the rain just stopped hitting him. Geno looked up to see dark fabric covering his head. Death smiled softly, "I'm assuming you got locked out" Geno just rolled his eye, a soft chuckle "What gave you that idea." he replied sarcastically. Death chuckled as he used a free hand to unlock the door. The two rushed inside, and after an hour of drying off and stuffing the couch full of pillows, the two resorted in some cuddling.

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