headcanons that are TOTALLY not going to be important to ANY of the characters

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   - Goth repaired the mirror in RT

- Death knows

   - Because he can't reap anyone, Goth created a library with all the history of RT, including books that Alphys wrote, Lotus' entries on Necromancy and being a partial God, Death's notes on Demi-Gods and how to care for them and much more

-Lotus knows he's technically immortal, this is why he's the first one in the group to actually risk more. As long as his friends are safe, he doesn't mind losing a limb or two

- Dante and Lotus didn't get along at first, and not because Dante and Rurik were together, but because Dante would keep asking Lotus personal questions, and didn't understand boundaries.

-Cursed Boys Gang consists of Lotus, Rurik, Palette and Goth

  -Rurik is TOTALLY over his feelings for Lotus, totally.

-He also TOTALLY doesn't like Lotus' wings or anything.

  -Goth's wings are smaller than Lotus' but are much, much prettier to look at. Considering he actually takes care of them when formed.

- The gang just forgets that they all have the basic abilities, like Teleporting and Telekinesis.

- Palette knows how to use fire magic, and teaches Rurik the basics

- Both Palette and Rurik have and will burn up when under intense emotions, like anger. But this Also means that they're always warm

- Lotus hates looking at his reflection, so any mirror he owns is usually turned around or there's always something covering it.

- speaking of Lotus, the mans constantly sleep deprived. Like always sleepy

- Platonic Fell!Poth

- Goth and Palette are nerds.

- Palette has the ability to aid people to sleep, he's done this for Lotus a few times without the other even knowing. It doesn't take much out of him and he likes to help his friends sleep.

- Goth didn't cut his hair to the point where he couldn't even where his hood. Though to be fair, Death's, Lotus', and his hair are essentially just like clouds, so it's only when he's taking showers or really sad, does the weight become noticable, but it definitely didn't make it any better when his hair got caught in the trees and stuff

- Goth knows about both Gasters, but he's only ever actually interacted with RT Gaster.

  -Lotus dies like twice. Once when his magic literally just destroys his body and the next, well, I wouldn't want to give TOO much away ;)

  - Every once in a while, Geno has a crisis because he's afraid that he'll die and someone will find his body, you know, fun adult stuff

  - Lotus had extreme haphephobia, now it's just mild

- The CBG have friendship bracelets, and according to Rurik it's "probably the gayest thing I'll ever do" he was wrong.

- Platonic Fell!Poth????????????

- Listen man, not saying that there is still some feelings there but who knows

- Lotus is the wine aunt of the group, and if you want to not remember the day before, just ask him for some 'Gods Whiskey'

- Lotus TOTALLY doesn't make moonshine

- the AD family celebrate not Christmas which is just Christmas, but not on Christmas... Yeahhhh

-Sans, Geno and Papyrus all fight over who's cooking anytime they family all meets up to eat

  (More soon)

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