some drabbles

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Things are crazy and there is Rancor in the streets. But I want y'all to remeber, this is looonnnng overdue. Stay safe, Stay alive, BLM. But here's some drabbles to read.//

Despite how late it is, he can't be surprised to find him here. Starring back at him, but he isn't a fool. This beast, this manifestation of fear and pain... He had it too, long ago. "You don't scare me" he says, walking closer, eyelight focussed, each step he takes forward, the beast steps back, bewilderment in its eyes. "You CAN'T scare me! I know who you are, what you are" He's speaking with more confidence, and now he's standing infront of the beast, and he can see the tears falling from its eyes, "you're just like me- You were a kid just like me- You were in pain just like me." He's watching it heave, "I don't understand- you should hate me- hurt me- be afraid- I hurt you" it cries, but he's patient, he takes a step forward, a sad smile on his face, he reaches to cradle the beast's face in his hands. "I don't get it! It's confusing- I- I'm- I- I'm scared" The beast admits, he sighs, "Oh Rurik, it's ok." And suddenly, Lotus is holding his friend. The Beast. While not perfect, is just afraid in the end.

People don't usually understand him, and he never makes an effort to make them. Death is simply used to the hurt, that is until, he finds someone- no someone finds him. And they understand him, truly understand him. Understand heartache, and the anger. Geno is, in his eyes, a puzzle, one that has obviously taken time to put together, despite missing pieces, Death is confident enough to say that he's happy to be apart of helping him find the pieces. And he learns that Geno greatly does the same. Many people don't understand him, but he doesn't need them too, because there is someone who genuinely wants to, and to Death, it's his missing piece.

Little things
"You make this look easy-" "you- Palette- you mean reading?" Goth looks at his friend, as the other held the book in hand, he was really hoping this was just one of the others off hand comments "Yea! It's so boring-" "Hey! The love those two has is strong, it's a good kiss scene too!" Palette looks at Goth, really biting back a smile, Goth loved reading Fantasy/romance, and while Palette was far more into his friends fantasy novels, this one wasn't that bad. He just wanted to see how long this will go. "No- It's totally predictable, and there was no flavor to the kiss scene-" "You just can't appreciate fine literature." He huffs. Of course Goth knows what Palette's doing, a habit he picked up from Geno was to study body language, but he didn't have the heart to dismantle the other's joy.

Obligations of a Parent.
It comes as a clear foresight that being the child of Death would come with complications amongst others. Further more, being his father and all, Goth would really need help. And by the stars above was Geno more than willing to defend his son to his dying breath. Just like he's doing now, sitting on the bed of a doctor's office, blood dripping from his face, clothes ruined, and hands bruised and cut up. "I'm sorry-" "Goth, don't you dare think this is your fault. That man had no right treating you and Palette like that." Geno says. "But he hit you with a bottle! Th- That's not-" "I would take a fucking bullet for you." Goth looks at his dad, and despite the pain in his eyes and the roughness in his voice, Geno is true to his word. Goth was about to say something but the doctor walks in.

Price to Pay
It's no secret Dream is a bad parent, it's no secret he's royally fucked up, and it's no secret that Geno and Death's kindness would run thin. And that is why he is here, In front of a very pissed God of Death. Dream was used to Geno being angry with him, and he has every right to be, but Death. Death was someone who stayed away from conflict. He's, as those close to the Afterdeath family would say, the calm after the storm. But here he was, Looking Dream in the eyes, and a scowl on his face. "Death I-" "No. No Dream, you listen, and you listen well. I stood by for long enough, you are ignorant, and no matter how much advice is shared to you, you do nothing with it." Death spits, Dream counters "I've been working hard! You don't know what it's like!" But that may have been the wrong choice of words, "what it's like? What it's like!? Im the God of Death, Goth is my son! He's been casted out, hurt, beat, and you want to stand there and tell me I don't know what it's like! I had to work my ass off to balance my job and keeping my family safe. You are loved, Dream. You and Ink, so while Goth didn't have crazy expectations set on his shoulders from people around him like your son has, while Goth may not have had to adapt to this bullshit you and Ink have created. He's had to learn to adapt to his surroundings by learning how to hide and run. He had to constantly work harder to fit in. And I blamed myself for that, Geno has blamed himself for that! And do NOT stand there and say that when you were never around for Palette. We have been kind long enough. Palette leaving is your fault, not his, not Geno's, Not Inks, not Cross', not my son's, yours." Dream stood there, like the rest of the room, stunned into silence. Death took a deep breath, before proceeding calmly, "Geno, Palette and I are going. Thank you." And like that Dream watched as his son left.


Now that they've been working on themselves and their friendship, Lotus was confident enough to say that Rurik had offically changed. He was a lot less angry, save for the few outburst, but they never got violent. He was also a lot happier. It was nice to say the least. Of course they had to meet up in secret, seeing that, while Lotus trusted Rurik, the others, not so much. He couldn't blame them, not with what they saw. The aftermath of being trapped with him for so long. But he wished they understood. This time, though, they were caught. Which lead them to where they are now, infront of Goth. "Goth- please dont-" "you two aren't dating again are you?" Goth cuts in, Lotus blinks, before both him and Rurik's face scrunch up in disgust "No. He's already dating someone else, we're just friends" Goth looks from Lotus to Rurik, the other caught off guard but understands that Goth is looking for a confirmation, "Yea- I don't think I'd trust myself, hell I don't even trust myself with him as friends- Not- Not like I am- gosh- I just-" "alright." Goth shurgs. "Wait what?" Rurik galnces at Lotus, making sure he isn't the only one mildly confused. And sure enough, he isn't. "Yea. Listen man, I just want Lotus to be safe, so if he trusts you enough to be friends with you. Then ok. Your guys' secrets safe with me." Lotus looks nervously, "You promise" Goth nods. "Just as long as he doesn't lay a harmful hand on you, with the intent to harm that is, then sure." There's a collective sigh from the other two, "thanks Goth." Goth shrugs again, "eh, no problem, but just for the record if dad finds out, you're both fucked. Anyways good night or whatever." He says, before leaving. "No offense Lo, but your friends are fucking weird." Lotus rolls his eye before gently pushing the other "so are you. But yea. They're weird."

Afterdeath/Poth Story Pile (Complete)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon