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It was late and Death was still at work, and Goth was staying the night with some friends, leaving Geno alone. Of course he wouldn't mind some alone time, with some nice music and a book, but the pain in his chest kept him up constantly. At first Geno was able to control it, but then came the coughing fits, he began to struggle. There was only one person to call at this time, and Geno hoped Death wouldn't be home. Geno had called up Ink, he tried to tell Ink what was happening, but the coughing was getting out of hand. Ink seemed to understand to situation and agreed to come over and help Geno.

Once Ink got there he opened the door and immediately notices Geno. "Geez you weren't kidding huh?" Ink rushed to his friends side and helped Geno back to the couch as the other struggled and gasped unable to breath properly. Geno began to point upstairs, Ink looked up "you have a first aid kit up there?" Geno nodded, breaking into another coughing fit. Ink rushed upstairs, he first checked the small bathroom, he found what he assumed to be the first aid. It had some bandages ACE wrap and an inhaler along with some pain meds and hydrogen peroxide. He rises back down stairs, as he rummaged through some of the items, grabbing the inhaler, he pulled Geno up so he was sitting up right, and shoved the inhaler in Geno's mouth.

As much to his dismay, it didn't do much, then to really worsen luck, Ink felt a hand on his shoulder as he was practically thrown away from Geno. Death quickly took his place, "how long has he been like this?" Death sounded so calm. Ink simply shrugged, "he called me gasping and shit." Of course Death didn't reply, he stood up bringing Geno up with him. "There's a little syringe in the top medicine cabinet and a bottle next to it." Ink looked a little confused before Death looked at him, "Go get it" he spat. Ink nodded, him and Death never got along, in fact they hated each other, but that had to be pushed aside, Geno wasn't in any shape to stop them from beating each other senseless.

Death looked back at Geno, holding his arms up, "Breath with me." Geno did as he was instructed, taking deep breaths when Ink came back he rushed by their sides. "Fill the syringe and make sure you get the needle all the way in his leg." Ink blinked doing as he said. He stabbed the needle in his friends leg, he heard Geno gasp heavily and choke on what Ink presumed was a sob. He could hear Death's soft whispers and words of encouragement to Geno. "Now hand me the inhaler" Ink picked up the inhaler and handed it to Death. He watched as Death put it in Geno's mouth with a little less force. He pushed down. Making sure Geno held it in for 10 seconds before allowing him to breath out.

After what seemed like forever, The coughing calmed down as Geno took sharp gasps of breath. Death laid him down softly. As he did so, he turned to Ink, said skeleton was half expecting Death to beat his ass, but instead Death sighed. "Thank you Ink, for helping him as best you could." Ink looked at Death in shock, "well I'll be damed. I thought you weren't capable of saying those words" Death rolled his eyes. "Don't push it. I might be greatful for the actions you took today, but it doesn't mean we're friends. I can still make your existence a living hell." Death spat. Ink smiled "there you go. Good ol' Death" the other rolled his eyes once again. He turned and tended to his sleeping husband. "So like. Is he going to be ok" Death thought for a moment, "Not entirely, the last time this happened, he couldn't sit up for a while. Had me scared the entire week." the memory made Death smile. He carefully removed Geno's jacket to tend to the large gash that was now bleeding again. Ink blinked, a dry laugh left his 'lips' "you really love him huh?" Death perked up at the question. "Of course I do. Why do you ask?" Ink didn't think of his choice of words, like usual. "I mean, you are The God of Death, it doesn't seem right for you to fall in love with someone so weak" Death laughed, earning a confused glance form the slightly taller skeleton. "Goes to show what you know. You think Geno is weak? Truly you haven't seen the shit he has. Makes my job seem like a fairytale." Ink scoffed. " It still doesn't give any clue to why you even love him. As far as I'm concerned, your anger is more of a threat then anything else." "is that why you like to piss me off then? Because it makes you fear me? That's hysterical. Besides, I love him because as far as I am concerned Geno doesn't rely on other people, or at least he does his best not to. He's strong and persistent." Ink just rolled his eyes. He hated Death childish mockery. "Your a fucking fool" Death calmly finshed wrapping Geno before standing. He walked over to Ink, "the fool will think he is wise, the wise will know he is a fool. Your point is quite invalid, have you ever considered a foreground to your argument or do you wonder aimlessly in hopes you will win something?" Ink looked taken aback. "Well thank you for your help, but I think that's all. Goodbye Ink" Death opened the door as Ink walked out.

It is currently 3 in the morning and this is what I have to offer to you children. Mainly wanted to make Ink and Death fight or something like that. Sorry if its dull, I had no plan for this lol.


Afterdeath/Poth Story Pile (Complete)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें