A/N but it's actually good for once

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    So I did something pretty big. I am cutting off my mom, and it's not going to be easy to try and repair all of the damage done, damage she has done. The years I spent hating myself. Fearing that my friends would leave me because I wasn't going to graduate. Always feeling bad anytime people got me something because I didn't want to be ungreatful. Always saying "I don't know" because my words were never vaild enough for my family to hear. Even yesterday as I tried to talk to her, she didn't listen. For years I lived to see the day where she would change but that day wont come. But yea, it's going to take a lot of tears, all nighter like now, and just genuine self help, until I can be fully ok. But for now I wanted to write something similar so that'll be coming out soon. Just thought I'd finally share some good news in my life haha. Thank you all for supporting me these past two or three years. Thank you guys for the comments, they love, the advice. It may not have seemed like a lot to you, but it meant everything to me. I hope to be getting a state Id soon, finishing up my last three credits, and working on getting my license. I know it'll take a lot, but I know I always have genuine support and love here. Through you guys.

  Thank you all, I love you ✨💖💖✨💖💖✨💞💞💞💖💖💖💖


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