Hideout (Poth)

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I'm a bit spent on writing Afterdeath as of lately. But take this one-shot based on the in moment feeling I took the photo above to give you an idea))

"Goth where are we going? This is pretty far from your house." Palette worried as he was lured further away from the smallers house. They reached a really steep bridge over a large spread of water. "Whoa... Is it safe?" Palette asked, he wouldn't admit it to anyone, but high places always made him anxious. Goth turned back, he grinned and waved his hand in dismissal of the others worry. "It's perfectly fine. Besides, it wouldn't be a hideout if it where right outside in my backyard. I've done a lot of exploring back here and I found this really pretty lake." Goth explained as he held Palette's hand a little tighter and made their way up the steep bridge.

Palette nodded and gripped his boyfriend's hand as they got higher. Once they left the bridge Goth brought them deeper into the clearing. "Close your eyes!" Goth exclaimed excitedly. Palette huffed but followed the others orders, a grin finding it's way on his face at his partners happiness... It felt like a long time since he's been so happy. He could hear Goth giggle and tell him when to step up and down. Finally telling him to sit. "Ok. Open your eyes!" Palette opened his eye sockets. A small gasp left his mouth at the large lake view in front of them. The rolling hills surrounding the body of water. Starry eye lights never leaving the sight.it It was really pretty.

"How did you find this?" Palette turned to Goth, stunned at the large lake. "Well, again I have a lot of time to explore the clearings around here. And if we're honest, I'm pretty sure my dads know where this spot, otherwise I'd be scared about that. But I just thought it would make a cool hideout. I know your home gets hectic when Ink sticks his nose in, and it really stresses you out. So I thought this would be a cool place to just come out and scream or throw shit into the lake. Maybe we could ask my uncle Sans if he has a tent we can use and we can camp out here... If you want, that is." Goth's smile never left anf he gently squeezed Palette's hand, giving him some time to take in all that Goth had just said.

Palette stared at Goth for an awkward amount of time before looking back at the lake. Huffing, Palette pulled Goth into his side and rested his skull on top of the other, closing his eyes "Yea that sounds awesome. Thank you Goth... For everything. I know-" "Palette it's ok really. It's nothing. But you're welcome." "No. No... You and your family so a lot for us... Like a lot a lot. Ever since I was like 5 Mr. Geno and Mr. Death always helped us out. And I remeber when we first met, you were so shy and scared of meeting me, heh, it was pretty cute. You've been my friend for ten years and then my partner for two. And it's been rough, really rough. But you've been there thick and thin. So I know I forget to say it... But thank you. For everything." Palette took a shuddering breath. Letting tears fall, Palette just gripped his partners hand a little tighter.

He heard something shift, and the hand he held left his, before he could apologize for the spill of emotions, he let out a squeak when weight dropped on his lap and a mouth landed on his. Hands gently cupped his face, wiping the tears from his face. Goth pulled away "Palette. It's ok, really. I'm glad you're still here. And I know life hasn't been easy on you or your dad, but you don't have to worry about that anymore. I love you and don't forget that." Palette nodded,hiccuping and scrubbing away the tears. Taking another shuddering breath, Palette opened his eyes, seeing the single white one staring back into his. "Now I didn't bring the change of clothes for nothing. Lets get changed and into the lake. I know a good spot to jump off the rocks." Goth stood up, helping Palette up who let out a little laugh. "Yea... That sounds fun."

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