It's the writers block for me (Drabble)

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Ok, firstly, I hate writing XD I have not liked a single thing I've written in a while, and I really wanted to make this a collection of Drabbles, I'm still going through it lol. So have this one, since I didn't end up hating it.


Calculated. He was always the calculated one. No matter who he was fighting with, or against. Back when he was a kid, before he met Rurik, while he was with Rurik, and after. But what was that saying about teaching old dogs new tricks? Maybe it was that, and the fact that these were people who knew him. But Lotus was never the one who'd just stand by and let his friends be hurt, as he recalls, they called it loyalty. He almost laughs, loyalty... Where did that loyalty lead him? Right on the floor, hand over his abdomen, with his best friend screaming his name. He was going to die, he knew that, he's losing too much blood, and by the sounds of Rurik's voice, he knows it too. But the thing about the two of them, they were both fairly stubborn. But what else could someone expect from two kids constantly fighting to be the best, to be heard, seen. He smiles as the other pushes back black hair from his face, he's leaning in, likely trying to make sure he was still alive. Lotus lets out chocked chuckle, it's funny, he's never seen Rurik cry before... his free hand makes it's way to the one still resting on his face. Gently, he holds it. "I... I'm not going to make it" he chokes out. It's obvious, but it still feels right to say, "No. No. Don't fucking say that. Lotus. You son of a bitch, you are not dying on me, understand?" he has to force the words out, Lotus can tell. "I... I can't... Rurik... you kno-" "Shut up. Just shut up. Stars Lotus, you've been shot, stabbed, fucking slammed to the ground multiple times, and yet you never, Never, gave up. So don't you dare start now." Rurik protests, momentarily lifting his hand keeping pressure on the wound to attempt to wipe the tears from his face, before placing it back over. Lotus' smile never leaves, but it turns sad, they both know what's going to happen... "Can... Can you p-promise me one thing." Lotus asks, gripping the hand that has never, once, left his face, "Only if you promise me something in return." Rurik responds, Lotus sighs, coughing, "You- You give Mikey a big hug for me, o-ok?" knowing the implications, the pressure on his abdomen increases, and there's a spark in Rurik's eyes, "No. Listen-" "please..." Lotus can't keep his eyes open much longer, his body feels heavy, and the world seemed dimmer, finally the other seems to give up the argument. Not that it sounded like he could keep it up anyways, the hand over the wound moves to hold him. It felt nice, being held... So, so nice...

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