Lmao I have no title

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So this is a little birthday gift for Mod RC or Ashely. So I am making this with her versions of Death and Geno who she reffers to as Grim and Strive. The time I wrote this is 6-21st we have no Wi-Fi so ya know))

The storm pressed on as Strive continued up the hill. He wanted to know what was at the top, even if it would take the last of his health to do so. As he made his way to the top he had noticed how quiet it was. It was an eerie quiet. He walked up to a dark cave and lit a flare. The cave walls were covered in ancient writtings and strange pictures of a lengthy figure with dark skeletal markings. This had to be it. He walked further in, reading the words. Understanding them as they were written in Latin. "The lord of Death" he spoke aloud and continued to looked before coming to a large tomb "The lord of Death has been sealed in the tomb to contain his uncontrollable rage." The other had no worries. He walked over and took a crowbar from his bag. He shoved the slightly flat end into the caskets lid before prying it open.

Almost immediately, black smog filled the area, the male covered his mouth and coughed, he saw the figure rise from the tomb. His eyes blinking before he looked over to the other. "You" he said as he exited the tomb, "what is it you want? Why have you awoken me?" He didn't know what to say. "Well mortal?" he took in a deep breath "I was curious" the lord let out a dark chuckle that seemed to rumble and cause the walls to shake. "How amusing. Now curious mortal, what is your name?" the lord mussed "Geno. My name is Geno. I have no last name" Geno didn't have a family so he had no other name. "How cute" the lord of Death spoke "where are my manners. Meeting a mortal is quite rare, my name is Grim" Geno nodded before looking around slightly, maybe he should head back home. He held his bag before sighing "well I must be going now" Grim looked at him confused, "leave?" Geno nodded before walking

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