1D + WDW = Rivalry pt 2

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Words: 1589
ExTrA: super long smut!

Corbyn walked around for a bit and now it was lunch time. He found himself at a familiar park and sat down taking out his phone and blocking all the boys and management. As he was doing so a pair of arms wrapped around his waist. He jumped at first but then realised it was Zayn. "Hey cupcake, you scared is for a second" he admits chucking. Corbyn didn't let go he didn't want to. Instead he started crying "omg I'm so sorry I'm getting tears on your hoodie" Corbyn said letting go of Zayn "Heys it's ok come back" and as soon as he said that Corbyn broke. Zayn got him and Corbyn to sit under a tree with Corbyn in his lap. He got his phone out and rang the guys. "Hey Niall I found him, we are under the big Oak tree in owl park, ok will do, ok see you soon, love you bye" Zayn put his phone away and Corbyn spoke "I'm so pathetic, I'm crying over the littlest things and sobbing to people I met, what 19 hours ago" Zayn felt his heart break. "No bubs, don't say that" he said lifting his head up to kiss the broken boy. As he pulled away Zayn spoke again "don't ever say that, me and the boys love you, and would love it if we could call you ours" Corbyn cocked his head to the side. "Yours?" "Yeah like you know we have a 5 way relationship, you be the sixth member" "oh no I don't want to ruin anything" Corbyn spoke from the heart. "You won't mia moré" he said kissing him again "Niall says your like 2 sizes smaller that him" Zayn chuckled "well, he speaks facts" Corbyn giggled. Zayn sat up and grabbed something from his bag "in case we found you like, well, this, Niall wanted me to give this to you" Zayn said taking out a large black hoodie "that will be a ball gown on me" Corbyn chuckled as Zayn slipped it on his head. Corbyn instantly felt safe and snuggled more into the hoodie "feeling better baby doll?" Zayn asked corbyn just nodded "much better" he said falling into a deep slumber.

A few hours later Corbyn work up with a familiar scent of Niall's bunk. Corbyn rubbed his eyes and sat up looking around and taking a deep breath. Ok time to go. He thought as he was 100% sure the boys were gone. As Corbyn started to pack his things he saw he got a heart attack from getting scared by Harry. "Woah didn't mean to scare you kitten" Harry said hugging the blonde. "where do you think your going kitten?" Harry said full of concern "I have got to find a place to stay, I'm out of the band now so I'm going to move back to Virginia" Corbyn said packing his bag. As he was picking up his bag Harry grabbed his waist and pulled him into a long, deep kiss. As they pulled away Harry spoke "you are saying here kitten, your not moving we can help you, please, don't leave" Harry said looking straight into corbyn's emerald green eyes. "Ok fine, I'll stay" Corbyn said with a smile. Harry smiled too and kissed Corbyn again. "Hey stop hogging!" Niall said pulling Corbyn away from Harry.

Corbyn only had a second for air before his lips met new ones. Even so, Corbyn kissed back. Then Louis complained and stole corbyn's lips from Niall. Eventually it turned into a 4 way make out session, well almost, more like Corbyn kissed anyone who complained when someone kissed him for too long. Corbyn was just casually kissing Niall again when he felt a tap on his thigh indicating for him to jump. Of course Corbyn listened and jumped into Niall's arms.

"You don't mind?" Niall asked first wanting to hear consent from the boys mouth "yes, please" Corbyn said kissing Niall again. Niall brought Corbyn to the back room and layed him down on the bed. "Ok so here is how it works" Harry said pulling Niall away, causing him to pout "three rounds, one with Corbyn other two making out and what not yeah? We don't have to worry about Zayn and Liam they are probably fucking each other in a hotel" Louis said smiling at Harry. "Exactly" Harry said. "Ok I'll go first then" Louis said walking over to Corbyn

⚠️Smut warning ⚠️

Louis crawled on top of Corbyn and started making out with him. Niall and Harry doing the same but just keeping it like that. Louis easily slipped his tounge into the younger's mouth. Corbyn moaned into the kiss only turning Louis on more. Louis moved his hands and kisses down corbyn's body. Leaving obvious marks. Not long after he found corbyn's sweet spot and attacked that area. He slipped both their shirts off and their pants going after. Louis traveled his kisses down corbyn's chest and stomach "are you sure you want this love?" Louis asked palming the younger already knowing the answer. Corbyn moaned and nodded his head so fast he almost got a head rush.

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