•Jorbyn|Dorbyn pt2•

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Words: 4494!

¥•••omg not Daniel Seavey?! Pt 2•••¥

Warnings: a bit of smut at the end
P.S. Jordan is older than Corbyn


They pulled away when Jonah spoke "Care to explain?" Jonah asked still confused. "It's a long story" Corbyn said hugging he blonde in disbelief "Well..." Jonah began "We have all day"

"So basically what happened" Daniel began, waking over to the couch the blonde pointed to still not letting go of Daniel side
"Corbyn and I are best friends, ever since grade 2. And then we went to high school together, then one day my other friend, Andrew, since I had known from grade 1 asked Corbyn out and he kindly said no because it would be weird. But you see my other friend won't stop until he gets what he wants so a few weeks later, my cousin threw a party and everyone at West High was invited. Long story short..." Daniel pauses not really wanting to tell the rest. "Someone spiked Corbs drink and let's just say things got heated.... without consent" Daniel said looking at the blonde beneath him, who someone managed to hug Daniel tighter as if it were for protection. "Omg" is all Jonah could get out while he hugged the boys. "Then the next day" Corbyn began to finished the story "The next day we went to school, and he threatened me if I told anyone. He said he would 'bash me up until I can't breath and if that's not enough then he will punish me in a way I didn't like' So then he asked me to be his boyfriend again and I said no. He didn't like that and.... umm....." Corbyn trailed off "Come on Corbs no secrets, you will feel better if you get it out" Jonah said putting a reassuring hand on his shoulder "Umm... h-he... r-raped m-me" Corbyn said with tears in his eyes, threatening to fall. The blonde could see his friend struggling for words so he finished it for him "Then, when you invited me to the band I was like, of course! But then I broke my phone and Andrew hacked it talking like me, so he came here and pretended to be me. Then he threatened Corbyn saying if he were to tell anyone he wasn't Daniel he would hit him and punch him, basically turn into old Andrew" Daniel said side hugging Corbyn tight "Then when my phone got fixed, found out what he had done and raced over here to warn you guys, but I was too late. I am so, so, so incredibly sorry Corbs" Daniel said with a sympathetic smile "it's ok Dani it wasn't your fault" Corbyn said hugging the blonde, earning him a kiss in the cheek. The two boys were known to have PDA (public display affection) towards one another. It's just their thing. But the were friends
Nothing else

"Omg, bean I'm so sorry" Jonah said again. "Lucky I came home when I did huh" Jonah joked "Wait! If you don't mind me asking Corbs, did he do it more than once, since we got here?" Jonah asked. Corbyn slowly lower his head and nodded "Next time I see that cockroach, I will personally turn him inside out!" Jonah said looking into the blondes eyes. "Really? You would do that for me?" Corbyn asked weakly looking deep into Jonahs hazel eyes "Really" Jonah said as their faces got closer and closer. Soon enough Jonah filled the space between them pulling Corbyn into a long passionate kiss. They pulled away and smiled "Corbyn Matthew Besson, be mine?" He asked. Corbyn looked at Daniel as if to get approval, Daniel nodded. He had a good feeling about Jonah. Corbyn nodded his head so fast and jumped into Jonah's arms

'So this is what love feels like' Corbyn thought, and he loved it "Marais you hurt my bean anyway shape or form, consider yourself a dead man" Daniel, said face full of seriousness "Yes sir" Jonah said holding Corbyn tighter "I promise I will protect you from that man" Jonah whispered into Corbyn's ear "Thanks Jobear" Corbyn said before falling asleep

Corbyn woke up half-an-hour later to the door bell ringing, Jonah got up and went over to the door. Everyone else was outside in the pool, Daniel, had bonded very well with them "Can i- you" Jonah said at the door "You are no longer welcomed here Andrew" With those words Corbyn immediately straightened up. "So please leave" Jonah said with his arms crossed. Andrew didn't care he punched Jonah in the face cause it him to fall over and Andrew to walk in the house. "Jonah!" Corbyn yelled causing Andrew to look at him, Upon seeing Corbyn, Corbyn ran to go out the back door when he felt a strong grip around his wrist "Let me g-" Corbyn was cut off by a fabric being put over his face "I told you not to say anything and you disobeyed me" Andrew said in a husky voice "I-it w-was d-Daniel" Corbyn stuttered feeling light headed. Andrew smirked as the small boy beneath him started to close his eyes. Andrew let his guard down and Corbyn screamed "DANIEL !" before passing out. Daniels head snapped towards the door to see Andrew picking up Corbyn and throwing him I've this shoulder "Hey!" Daniel yelled in a angry voice running to the door. Andrew saw Daniel and sprinted for the front door

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