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Sorry I've been gone so long

In this world, anything can happen and anything exists.

Including werewolf's, vampire's, shifters, magic and elementals.

The main four being

Earth, fire, air and water.

This is were the story takes over


The six boys wake up all in a circle like form

The first to notice the others was Daniel Seavey, the strongest water elemental

"What the fuck?!" He call startling all the boys and especially a small blonde headed one.

Everyone stood up and got into a stance to fight.

The speakers called out in the maze they were in;

"Good morning you unlucky souls, this is a test to see if we can make all of you come together and work together, so either co-operate, or kill.

Have fun"

All the boys looked at each other and pulled out their moves.

Daniel pulled out water circles. He could drown you in seconds

Zach's eyes burnes red as he produced fire, ready to burn his enemy's

Jack made the ground Infront of him break, and pulled up big sharp rocks.

Eben made small dust devils in order to protect him

And Jonah shifted into a big, alpha wolf. His coat was a pitch black colour with red eyes.

As for Corbyn, he was a Neko. Nothing special. He couldn't shift, make fire or water appear or control the weather

He was convinced he was a dead man walking.

As soon as everyone shifted he backed up into a tree feeling small, weak and scared. Just like the pack who bought him told him he was.

"Everyone stop!" Eben called pushing everyone back with air and everyone got rid of their powers. Except for Jonah. He wasn't letting his guard down, you don't become the most feared wolf for nothing now do you.

"We need to work together" everyone growled

"As much! As I hate it too, there is gonna be traps, possible hunters" Jonah had a chill run down his spin

"And most importantly, I don't wanna die. And I'm sure neither do you guys"

He had a point

"So, he's what I pre-pose. State your name, what you are, what you can do and then we work from there" all the boys nodded.

"Ok I'll go first since lm of y'all are scary as shit, I'm Eben, I'm an air elemental and I was the cause of tornado alley"

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