
838 20 8

Warnings: usage of drugs, strong language and.
Words: 1313
ExTrA: And the ages are different
Zach - 19
Jack - 20
Daniel - 21
Jonah 21 ½
Corbyn - 19 ½

All the wdw boys were out for the night at the club. It's was the end of their 8 letters tour and now they were staying at home for a few weeks. They were are to get in and grab a booth. Immediately jachary started to make out. "What's the bet that they fuck tonight" Daniel asked his older boyfriend "at least 1000% to 1" Jonah chuckled. "Bubs what do you want to drink" the older asked his youngest boyfriend. "Just a coke please" Corbyn asked in a small voice.

"You sure, are you ok?" Jonah asked concerned. "Yes JoJo promise I'm fine" Corbyn smiled at the end and snuggled into Daniel's side "alrighty then Dani?" Jonah asked "ooo um a martini please Jo" Daniel said hugging the younger brunette.

Jonah got the drinks and came back 5 minutes later to just Daniel. "where's bean?" Jonah asked concerned. "Bathroom" Daniel responded. "Mhm" Jonah said not too sure.

Meanwhile in the bathroom

Corbyn just finished and came out of the bathroom when a taller man got in his way. "Can I help you?" Corbyn asked a bit scared of this man. "I don't know can you, i had drinking buddy and he ditched me for some party. I've tried asking other people but they just keep calling me a weird fag" the mystery man said.

Corbyn felt bad, he used to get called such names and this guy seems to be decent. "Ok" is all he responded with "well I was wondering if I could bye you a drink, you can say no tho" the man said looking away to smirk. The brunette seemed to nice to say no. "Umm, sure as long as it's not alcoholic" the brunette agreed. "Omg that you" the man said. "I'm James"

The man ordered the drinks, the brunette not hearing what they were. While Corbyn wasn't looking the man put in two little tablets and they discovered in seconds, after they were completely gone he handed it to Corbyn "so you from around here" James asked. "Yeah up in the hills" Corbyn smiled unaware of the current drug in his drink as he took a mouthful. "Tell me more" James smirked.

5 minutes later

Corbyn started to sway in his chair before he got dizzy. "James" he spoke softly before falling to the floor unconscious.

Another 5 minutes later
| back to the other boys |

Jonah and Daniel stared to pace and search everywhere. The other brunette had been missing for now ten minutes and they still couldn't find him. "Where is he JoJo" Daniel cried to his older boyfriend. "I don't know bubs, but we will find him" Jonah tried to convince Daniel, even tho he wasn't convinced himself.

They continued searching and searching. As they looked towards the back Jonah spotted famliar brown hair. But then his blood boiled when he saw his boyfriend being carried out unconscious over someone elses shoulder. Jonah tapped Daniel and Daniel saw the sight and basically saw red. Daniel and Jonah started to push through the crowed, pushing anyone who got in their way. When they got to the person Daniel tapped his shoulder, as he turned around Jonah punched him in the face, making him drop Corbyn and Daniel caught him.

"What the fuck dude!" The man yelled standing up. He saw Daniel cradling corbyn on the floor and yanked Corbyn from Daniel. "Excuse me give me my boyfriend back!" Daniel yelled standing up getting people's attenion and making room. "Last time I checked he was with me!" The man yelled about to walk away when Jonah yanked Corbyn out of the strangers arms.

Corbyn whimpered waking up on the floor in pain seeing people tower over him. "D-dani?" He called in a whisper almost broken voice. "Daniels eyes widen and pick up the brunette. "Hey baby it's ok" Daniel whispered rubbing his back. The man saw this and whistled. Then two other guys appeared, one grabbed Corbyn the other started to fight Daniel. As the taller man handed Corbyn to James he smirked "thanks for the toy boys" James laughed.

As he got to the exit he was stopped by a bouncer "sorry, he had a little to much to drink" James said innocently. "Is that true Jo?" The bouncer looked behind James, to which James did as well and got scared, his friends were with other bouncers and Daniel and Jonah were standing tall "far from the truth, he drugged corbs and tried to take him" Jonah's voice dripping in venom. The bouncer nodded and took Corbyn, more like snatched and Jonah punched him in the face and knocked him out

"That felt good" Jonah said with a smirk. Immediately dropping it when Corbyn whimpered. "Thanks hunter we got it" Jonah said taking the ex-blonde in his arms. "Just make sure he alright" hunter said looking at the pair who just nodded focusing on their obviously hurting boyfriend.

Jonah got Corbyn in the car but he wouldn't let go, scared he would get taken again. "Hey angle it's ok, we are going home" Daniel said hoping in the front "stay with him Jo" Daniel said and drove back home.

As they got home Daniel carried Corbyn inside as Jonah got a hot water bottle, chocolates, candy, blankets and pillows and set up their lounge room to look nice and cosy.

Meanwhile upstairs Daniel helped Corbyn shower since he was incapable of standing. As they were standing there Daniel grabbed some shampoo and rubbed it in corbyn's hair, the brunette relaxing into his touch. "Someone likes this?" Daniel joked washing the shampoo out and grabbing conditioner and massaging it into his head the brunette, once again, melted into the touch.

They were just enjoying the water when Daniel turned Corbyn and smashed their lips together, as they broke away Daniel spoke "I'm sorry I let that man drug you angle, it will never happen again" Daniel said kissing corbyn's nose, cheeks, eyelids and lips "I'm sorry I let myself get drugged" Corbyn whispered hugging Daniel "baby, no, that wasn't your fault it was that sick man's fault. Who would be stupid enough to drug someone as beautiful as you" Daniel spoke and Corbyn blushed hiding himself in the older's neck.

They made out a bit in the shower before Daniel helped him out into some of Daniel's sweats and one of Jonah's oversized hoodies. "Thanks Dani" Corbyn said snuggling into the blonde "no problem baby, I would take care of you anyway of the week" Daniel said carrying the younger downstairs.

When they got there Corbyn smile widened at the site "suprise baby boy" Jonah said taking the youngest from the blondes arms and cradling him like a baby. Corbyn giggled tiredly and snuggle into Jonah's neck.

They sat down on one of the oversized recliners, grabbed a fluffy blanket and snuggled into the youngest. They started to watch Descendants, because the youngest was obsessed with Cameron Boyce

(R.I.P Cameron Boyce, he shall be loved and missed dearly for eternity 💖)

Corbyn giggled to himself Durning the movie "what's so funny princess?" Jonah asked smiling at the other brunette "I just realised something" Corbyn smiled looking into the oldest eyes "what's that love?" Daniel asked

"We forgot about jachary" Corbyn giggled

"Oh shit"

"We are in trouble tomorrow"

I've been M.I.A I know! Cause i-e-i i-e-i i-e-i I've been missing on you!

Hi! Sorry I have been MIA recently but i promis I will try to double update, and finish the 1d X WDW soon, but I haven't got a plot, off you have one pleeeeeese! Let me know kk
Luv ya you little corbreads

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