
227 8 28

WC: 1774


Daniel - 35
Corbyn - 32

Jonah - 16
Eben - 15½
Zach - 15
Jack - 14
Ellie - 14½

The blonde headed boy slowly woke up and sighed as he woke up with his baby in his arms.

Daniel and Corbyn had been together for almost 20 years. Getting together when Daniel was 15 and Corbyn 13.

Ever since, they've been inseparable.

Daniel rolled over to grab his remote for the tv in their room

As he rolled back his baby whined.

"Mmm stay still. M'tired" he whispered and Daniel smiled and kissed Corbyn's head pulling him back into his arms with a 'hmmph'

Corbyn snuggled into Daniel's neck and slightly kissed it

"Morning bubba" he rasped

"Morning princess. How was work?" The blonde asked knowing that the brunette had work from 12pm in the afternoon - 2am in the morning.

They were all little tight on money at the moment.

"Sucked. Had a Karen come in and say how much I'm a worthless employee and my boss should fire me" he sighed snuggling more into Daniel.

"I'm sorry bub" Daniel spoke kissing the crown of his head

All of a sudden their little bundles of joy ran in.

"Happy birthday papa!" They shouted and Daniel smiled while Corbyn sat up fast.

"You guys remembered!" Daniel smiled and Corbyn ran out the room downstairs

"Daddy didn't" Jack mumbled and Daniel had a sad smile. Corbyn had been working so hard so he didn't mind.

"Come on let's go downstairs-"

"Wait!" Zach and Jonah shouted and Daniel looked taken back

They held up boxes

"Presents first!"

Just as they said that Corbyn came back in panting

"Oh my god why do we have so many stairs" he puffed holding his side

The family laughed and Corbyn walked over to the bed

"I didn't have time to wrap it. But I got you this" Corbyn whispered and handed him a letter

"Dear Mr Seavey. We are pleased to inform you, you have been accepted to open for-" he trailed off reading what was next and Corbyn nodded with tears in his eyes.

"F-for Shawn Peter Raul Mendez" he finished and the boys and girl gasped.

"No way! Shawn Mendes! As in THE Shawn Mendes! Omg " ellie squealed waving her hands

Jack caught them "chill out girl geez" he laughed and so did the family.


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