Series - 4

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Corbyn's POV

That's all i can remember. A Big Bang then. Darkness. I don't remember anything else. Now I wake up in a room that seems familiar but I can't put my finger on it.

It has photos of what I think is a group of people pretending to be superhero's.

And me, I'm there. I slowly sit up in the bed that is really comfy, then a ladies voice rings the room

"He's awake sir I repeat he's awake"

What's going on?

Soon enough at lease ten people enter my room randomly and I get scared, I back up on my bed but everything hurts. I look to my left and grab a random ass baseball bate that's on the side table.

Everyone freezes

"OMG kid don't scare us like that" a man speaks, he has glasses on and a really bad beard.

"What?" I whisper

"What's wrong kid?"

"Stop calling me kid, who even are you!"

3rd persons POV

What? He doesn't remember them?

"What do you mean kid, were your family" Steve spoke carefully and Corbyn's eyes narrow

"I don't even know who the fuck you are!"

Everyone faces drop and look towards tony

"I'll figure it out, I promise" he states and leaves the room

Peter try's
"Don't you remember? Our first mission! It was so much fun, come on C" but the blonde kept his bat steady, pointed at Peter

"Ok" Peter whispers and leaves after tony to help.

"I miss you already" he mumbles to himself

Steve looks at the blonde in disbelief almost in tears and looks down, if he had just thrown the damn hammer..

Natasha looks at Steve then the boy who looks so scared but defencseful. Even with no memory he's still agile

"Surely you remember Asgard!" Thor try's now hoping to refresh some memories.

But Corbyn just shakes his head slowly lowering the bat. Thor looks crushed

Loki looks heartbroken. "You were the only person" he started as the blondes fearful eyes turned to him
"Who thought I wasn't a monster, the only one who trusted me, the only one I trusted" he spoke with a lump in his throat storming out to go kill the son of a bitch who did this

"You'll be ok" Bruce spoke. "Your names Corbyn, your 19 and we are the avengers. I'm Bruce" Bruce then introduced everyone else while the blonde nodded slowly the bat almost completely lowered

However he lifted it again when the girl known as wander aimed her hands at him, and red stuff floated around her, his eyes went wide as he gasped in fear. Wanda only trying to reset his memory

"No.." Bucky mumbled. He had trained many hours with this kid, all to go to waste, all the memories, the sass, the food fights, the happiness that just radiates off him. All gone

"I knew the explosion was bad but dang" Hawkeye spoke and Bucky turned to him, then went to go join Loki

"It'll be ok" Jonah spoke sitting down, manually lowering the bat with his pointer finger. "We are best friends, you me, Dani jack and Zach" he pointed to all the boys and Corbyn nodded.

"We will do whatever it takes to get your memory back, I promise"


Tony was working hard on his machine all week and finally it was done, with the help of Bruce of course.

This machine with hopefully reset his memory to before as it's only temporary. "All you gotta do kid" tony started as the scared boy sat down getting strapped into the seat
"It sit back relax and we will where when your out"

Corbyn nodded and the machine went over his head.

"What does it do?" Steve spoke only him and tony in the room.
"It replicated what made him forget to reverse it back"

"So it's gonna..."

"Yeah, it's gonna bash his head hard hopefully it.l work.


Corbyn's POV

Darkness. Again. Pain. Again


All of it came crashing back down on me as I gasped awake.

Where is everyone? Are they ok? What happened to the warehouse?

I ripped the drip I my hand ran. Down the hall having memorised the place into the kitchen seeing Bucky back

I ran and jumped on his back hugging him tight scaring him. Probably not the best as he turned, spinner me and pinned me to the kitchen bench

"Corbyn?" He whispered and hugged me tight

"He's awake!" And everyone came in

I sighed and cried happy tears

"Tony!" I shouted and hugged him tight and he staggered his breath. "Thank god kid. Thank god"

I think he missed me

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