
962 24 10

Ships: Jorbyn
Words: 3071
Plot: in which why don't we is forming and ask Daniel to be in the band without asking for an, little do they know about the twos troubled past

¥•••"Omg not Daniel Seavey?!"•••¥

Corbyn's P.O.V

OMG I am so excited, today is the day I am meeting up with the guys to start the band! Ahh! Omg I am so nervous what do I say when I meet them? What if they don't like me? They haven't seen what I look like yet?! What they think I'm ugly? What i- I was cut out if my thoughts due to my mother "Sweetheart it's time to go!" She yells form downstairs "Coming!" I yell from upstairs grabbing my things.
I walk downstairs to my family, I hug Jordan, Ashley she almost didn't let go!, my mum and my dad just stared at me. My dad and I aren't really that close due to me coming out a few weeks ago. My dad insisted on kicking me out but my mum and siblings said if he did they would go with me. Some family I have right! Anyway now I'm in the cab on my way to pursue my dreams.

Little did i know was soon to become faces with a challenge he would never accept

Why don't we group chat

Cornbean, Yonah, Raman and Baby are online

Omg just a few more
hours and I can meet
my new brother's!!

Ikr! I have been
waiting for this
my whole life!!!

You know what
I just realised

What baby?

What dude?

We don't know
what Corbyn
looks like

And that's my
que to leave

Come on man
let's see what you look
like. We will soon
in person anyway


Yonah has a point

Ok! Ok! Geez
I might as well
show you now so you
can get over the uglyness

🌽CornbeanOk! Ok! Geez I might as well show you now so youcan get over the uglyness

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If that's ugly then I'm
a discrase to the human race

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