
623 20 3

Words: 2075

Extra: Jordan is older
Warning: death

¥•••Not a happy ending•••¥

rd persons P.O.V

Jonah Marais, Jack Avery, Daniel Seavey, Eben Frakerwitz and Zach Herron. Names sound familiar, well these are the most popular boys at east high. They are the kids of the school everyone either wants to be or wants to be with. They are known as the populars because they are the best football players, that's right they are the jocks. Now don't get me wrong if you are friends with the boys then they treat you equally. But if you an outsider or different they turn evil and make your life hell.

Unfortunately this is where our story begins.

It's a typical day at east high when the school is abuzz about a new blonde being transferred, and according to the girls 'he is really hot' As the boys stand at their lockers Daniel catches a glimpse of the bleach blonde boy. "Guys look, the new kid" he said smirking. All the others get his vibe and start to walk over to him. "According to the girls he is shy, keeps to himself, and is a nerd" Jack says as they walk to him "Name?" Daniel asked "Corbyn I think Tesson?" Jack says trying to remember. Zach stopped in his tracks. "Wait do you mean Besson?!" Zach asked basically jumping in his skin, stopping the others. "That's it! Besson!" Jack says snapping his fingers. Instantly Zach runs off to the blonde "Corbyn!" He yells jumping into his arms "Oh, well hello to you too Zachy" Corbyn giggles hugging the boy

Jonah would never admit it to the other boys but when the blonde giggled it made hm get butterflies in his stomach. Between the boys Zach and Jonah are the more friendly ones, Daniel, Jack and Eben tho wouldn't hesitate to beat someone up if they looked at the weirdly. "I'm guessing you know Zach then" Jonah chuckled as he walked over to the two. The blonde just nods his head getting anxious at the others coming over to them "I got to go Zachy I will talk to you later ok" Corbyn said just above a whisper as he walked away with a fake smile on his face. "I wonder what's up with him?" Zach says cocking his head. "He is different in some way and I'm going to find out what it is. Help me?" Zach asked, Jonah nodded his head and they walked to maths.

After 3 periods it's lunch time and the boys head to their normal spot, at the top of the cafeteria, looking down on everyone. Zach noticed the flaux blonde walk into the cafeteria and grab his food. He ate it quickly alone then left. Zach decided to follow him. "Jonah operation blonde is a go" Jonah snickers to himself "operation blonde?" He asks giggling to the name "shut up!" Zach says. He stands up with Jonah close behind him. "Where are you two off too?" Daniel asks with a smirk "The music room, I left my book in there and Zach wants to go for a walk" Jonah used as a cover up. "Ok then, just don't give Zach too many Hickey's" Jack said wiggling his eyebrows "Omg! We are not going to make out! Damn!" Zach snapped and stormed off with Jonah. Leaving everyone in shock

The two boys walked around the school in hopes of finding the faux blonde. "Where are you Corbyn" Zach mumbled to himself. They continued walking until they heard someone in the music room. Zach stopped in his tracks, he has heard this tune before. Zach pointed to the direction of the music room and walked over with Jonah not too far behind him. They opened the door a little bit just to look in and there he was. Corbyn was playing the piano. Corbyn always write his own songs just for fun. As Jonah heard his voice he froze. It was the most beautiful voice he and ever heard.

Used to be scared of the ocean
'Cause I didn't know how to swim
I took one sip of your potion
Now I'm just divin' right in
I heard your siren's call, it was beautiful
I am drowning, God, please don't save me
I'm in too deep
Can't touch the bottom with my feet
Don't know what you did to me, I can't breathe but I'm living
I'm in too deep
Can't touch the bottom with my feet
Don't know what you did to me, I can't breathe but I'm living
I'm in too deep
Ah ooh-ah-ooh-ooh
Ah ooh-ah-ooh-ooh
I'm in too deep
Ah ooh-ah-ooh-ooh
Treasure chest full of your diamonds
I don't mind staying down here
Thought by now I would be dyin'
But your love gives me all my air
I heard your siren's call, it was beautiful
I am drowning, God, please don't save me
I'm in too deep
Can't touch the bottom with my feet
Don't know what you did to me, I can't breathe but I'm living
I'm in too deep
Can't touch the bottom with my feet
Don't know what you did to me, I can't breathe but I'm living
I'm in too deep
Ah ooh-ah-ooh-ooh
Ah ooh-ah-ooh-ooh
I'm in too deep
Ah ooh-ah-ooh-ooh
Ah ooh-ah-ooh-ooh
Ah ooh-ah-ooh-ooh
I'm in too deep
I heard your sirens call, it was beautiful
I'm in too deep
Can't touch the bottom with my feet
Don't know what you did to me, I can't breathe but I'm living
I'm in too deep
I never thought that you could be
A underwater symphony, I can't breathe but I'm living
I'm in too deep
Can't touch the bottom with my feet
Don't know what you did to me, I can't breathe but I'm living
I'm in too deep
Ah ooh-ah-ooh-ooh
Ah ooh-ah-ooh-ooh
I'm in too deep
Ah ooh-ah-ooh-ooh
Ah ooh-ah-ooh-ooh
Ah ooh-ah-ooh-ooh
I'm in too deep

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