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Slays for whoever is still reading my dumbass stories

The night was still and quiet. Peter was out with MJ, Bruce and Steve were in their workshop building caps new shield.

Tony was arguing with Nat about who was better just because they can. Thor and Loki were throwing a space ball around. And Daniel Zach and Jonah were chilling by the fire waiting for their best friends to come home with their ice creams

Corbyn and jack were on the main road heading out of town as they just retrieved the ice creams

"J what's the time?" Corbyn asked focusing on the road
"11:26 why?" Jack asked eating his ice cream already as it was cookies and cream. The best flavour

"Just wondering" the brunette spoke as they drive along the deserted road

"Hey jack?"
"Yeah bean" the curly headed boy spoke

"Is that truck going a bit fast?" The brunette spoke with worry as the semi trailer on the other side of the road was picking up speed. A little to fast

"Yeah, just be careful" jack spoke suspension in his voice

"Slow down a bit imma take a photo of the license plate" jack spoke taking his phone out

"C I said slow down not get closer"
"J, I'm in the same lane"

"Fuck shit watch out!"



"OMG can the news be over already" the youngest complains as the news interrupted the movie that was on

"Hold on, TONY COME TAKE A LOOK AT THR ACCENT!" Jonah called as a new accident came on the screen looking awful

"Crap, that looks bad. Probably stupid kids" tony spoke just as the reck was shown and P plates were present.

"Yep stupid kids"

Most of the team came into the lounge room just as the news reporter started to speak.

"A semi-trailer has picked up speed and crossed the interchange crashing into this poor car, the two teenagers, both boys, were wiped out as it came side on"

Jonah felt a pit in his stomach and pulled his phone out and dialling a number, putting it on speaker.

"What are you doing a Jo?" Daniel spoke as everyone left the living room

"Beep beep, hi this is Corbyn I can't come to the phone right now..."

"Come on Avery"Jonah mumbled as Daniel and Zach caught on to what he was doing

"Hello? Hello? Nah just joshing. Hiya losers this is Jack Avery..."

"Why aren't they answering?-"

"It's saint johns"

"Hi are you Jonah the best friend of Jack Avery and Corbyn Besson?


"Ahh stupid exhaughst pipe" tony mumbled as he walked to his phone away from the car he was upgrading for the curly headed boy

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