series - 12

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THESE ARE GONNA BE OUT OF ORDER FOR A WHILE! Most popular demands come out first sorry people

He dates a villain

D.S Z.H J.M-F are quadruplets with C.B
Peter (P)

"You sure we should be doing this" the blonde mumbles as the curly headed boy kisses his neck lightly

"Baby chill~" Jack mumbles pulling away from the blondes neck "if you want to tell them you don't have to" hack spoke slightly squishing corbyns cheeks together in his palms

"Your so pretty.."

"Stop it!" Corbyn retracts blushing like there no tomorrow

"And yes I NEED to tell them, otherwise it'll eat me up inside and I can't keep secrets I feel so bad if I do and then-" soft lips replaced the rant the blonde was going on

Jack pulled away slightly smiling at the beauty in his hands

"Your to stressed" he spoke walking around and massaging the blondes shoulders as he relaxed in his arms

"If you wanna tell them, then do, I'll be over afterwards if they accept. If they don't, I'm running and not turning back I'll be chopped meat"

The younger giggles at the outrageous thought and turned around




(Idkwtf I'm doing 😃🔫👍)

The small boy made his way into the house he calls home and almost instantly is bombarded with questions

"Where have you been?"

"Who were you with?"

"Are you ok?"

"Geezus boys calm down!" Corbyn pushes his overprotective brothers away and makes his way to the sitting room

"I'm fine"

What he didn't know was the whole of the team was in there

"I was just out with Jack"

"Who's Jack?"
"Like Jack Avery?!"
"No of course he wouldn't be with him he's a villain!"
"Who's Jack!"

Corbyn tried to retreat to his room but his uncle, Steve Rogers was to strong for his skinny bones

"Sit kid. Who's Jack?"

Corbyn sighed.

Just rip off the band-aid

"Jack... Is my boyfriend, and has been for five months"

Peter spat out his water

"And you didn't tell me!"

"Sorry the blonde blushed as everyone now had full attention

Why Don't We Corbyn Centric OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now