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Words: 1910

¥••We can be free••¥

Corbyn woke up with a yawn and a groan. It was too early to he up. He grabbed his phone and checked the time
April 1st

Corbyn smiled at his background, it was him and all his friends. After another 5 minutes the blonde got up, got dressed and headed outside were he would meet his crush to walk to school


Corbyn's p.o.v

I walked into school with my best friend and crush Eben Frackerwitz. Eben and I have been best friends for 8 years this year and I've been so happy.

He just always makes me feel giddy inside. Like a way I can't explain.

The other boys know about my little crush, but they promised they wouldn't tell.

Anyway we stopped by our lockers which are next to one another and opened them.

His was fine, but mine was full of heart shaped stickers? "What the hell?" I whisper.

Just as even was about to say something my other friends Jonah, Daniel Zach and my other crush Jack walked up to us.

Yes, yes I know it's wrong to have two crushes

(No it's not)

But I like both of them I don't know why?

"Hey guys- ohhhh somebody's gotta little crush on someone" Daniel squeaked hugging his boyfriend.

Jonah smiled and put a protective arm around Daniel's waist

"Wonder who it could be" even said with a smirk and I blushed.

Was it Eben?! No it can't be?!

Jack snapped me out of my thoughts
"You ok Corby worby" Jack said with concern
"Oh I'm fine" I lied.

See, the reason I don't try to like Jack that much is because, well, he has Hella heart eyes for Zach.

Everyday those two are attached to the hip, I swear there is a secret relationship between them.

Before anyone else could say anything the bells ran.

"Well we have HSIE Dani" Jonah told his boyfriend who groaned but said goodbye anyway and left.

"We have science" Zach and Jack said together high giving, again saying goodbye and leaving.

"What do you have E?" I question grabbing my last book out of my locker.

"Same classes with you all day babe" Eben said, and with the nick name I blushed, hard.

Period before lunch
3rd persons p.o.v

During classes, Eben would look over and Corbyn and when Corbyn noticed he would smirk and look back down.

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