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I feel like I don't do enough Dorbyn one shots-

WC: 2852 Long one!!

The schools rebel and bad boy, always in black, never showed emotions, and got into fights when necessary.

The schools nerd and sweet heart.
Always in soft pastel colours never got into fights and the bad boys boyfriend.

People were so surprised when the couple came out as dating eachother a couple of days ago...


Daniel was sitting at his table as usual when he saw the biggest idiot Toby James picking on his baby.

'i don't fucking think so!' Daniel thought and got up going to rescue his princess.

See, Daniel and Corbyn weren't out yet cause Daniel was scared of what people would think of him, Corbyn was too, that was until he accidentally outed himself.

He got picked on yes, but Daniel didn't know, if Daniel knew he would go haywire.

'screw opinions' Daniel thought again and tapped Toby on the shoulder.

Everyone watched this as he was pretty hard to miss.

"Can I help you Seavey?" Toby spat and before Daniel could answer Toby threw Corbyn on the ground like a piece of meat.

"Yes you can actually I'll ask that you step away FROM MY BOYFRIEND" Daniel raised his voice so the whole cafeteria could here.

Gasps and murmurs filled the big room.

"Your gay?" A girl asked.

"Nope." Daniel's said picking up the other blonde.

"I am proudly pansexual, and to top it all off if anyone couldn't hear properly. This beautiful thing right here" Daniel spoke pointing to a blushing boy.

"Is MINE. So the next person who touches him, makes fun of him, let me give you a little pre-view.

Daniel said and punched Toby in the guts.

Everyone cheered as the biggest bully and moron went down like a sack of potatoes.

Daniel smirked and pulled the boy back to his table with his friends Jack and Zach.

"Proud of you Dan" Zach said wrapping an arm around Jack.

"Yeah good job" Jack said leaning into his boyfriend.

Daniel smiled and the blonde boy beside him and picked him up putting on his lap.

"Love you princess" Daniel whispered.

"You you more Dani" Corbyn said nuzzling his head into Daniel neck, as most of the cafeteria aww'd at the 'new' couple

End of flashback

Now, the two boys were at Daniel's apartment snuggling together.

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