Series - 3

59 1 0

Neon gravestones try to call....

Bang! Bang!



"Fuck are these guys tough or what?!" Corbyn screamed as he and Zach were back to back shooting at the targets, well people who are their targets

"I know! They keep coming we need to go up!" Zach yelled and looks towards the ceiling which has a hole in it as they fell down it

"Get ready to jump on the pipes! Double trouble!" The twin called and Corbyn smiled, he loved double trouble


They both jumped up and grabbed the pipes hanging from the roof and swung towards each other, Zach kicked Corbyn's feet that were positioned and ready and gave him an extra boost up. The blonde twin flipped up and onto the roof top landing perfectly, flawlessly and precisely

"Zach I'm up" he called out and the brunette swung up and caught onto Corbyn's hands, the blonde helping him up as the guards below shot wildly hoping to hit something other than each other

When the duo was up they ran to the edge of the roof and saw the team waiting for them as they were the only ones left on the building that was gonna blow any minute now.

"We gotta jump" Zach spoke

"Are you crazy?!we won't make the fall!" Corbyn screamed as the building started to shake

"Now or never!" Zach yelled jumping and landing in the little water fountain below which was just deep enough to fall into. He checked before as a back up plan

The blonde however didn't jump, too scared of the height

His mind made its own up tho when the raging fire storm behind him was meters away, and he jumped as the building exploded. The pressure of the blow sending him into the building nearby and knocking him out


"FUCK HE WAS SUPPOSED TO JUMP!" Zach yelled running over to the building and starting on the stairs as the others followed him.

"God please let him be ok"

As they made it to the desired floor they saw the blond on his side not moving. "No" Zach whispered hoping he was ok and ran to his twin lifting him in his arms.

"Tony why isn't he breathing!"

Tony rushed over as did everyone else


"It's weird sir, no breathing but-"

"I can still feel him tony-" wanda spoke and cut herself off as Corbyn's eyes opened and he gasped awake. Tony held a hand on his heart scared and looked at the blonde pointing his finger at him "you make me have grey hairs"

Peter gasped and pulled the boy into a hug once he stood up "oh my god thank the lords your alive! He's alive!" He yelled at tony and shook Corbyn's shoulders "your alive!"

Steve chuckled and out a hand on his shoulder "I thought we lost you for a minute kid" Corbyn chuckled and grabbed his side as Zach helped him stand

"Never do that again" Nat spoke with a smile and hugged peter

Thor was ugly crying when Corbyn called him


" I can't still hear his voice.. wait" he snapped to look at the blonde "yippee!" He cried hugging the blonde so tight he had to tap out

"Loki realeased a breath he didn't know he was holding "I'm the one who's supposed to pull the pranks here mister" he spoke and smirked at the blonde as Corbyn smiled at him

"Ahhhh I just had a heart attack" Bruce spoke and everyone laughed as he held his chest, "thank the lords your ok"

"No worries" Loki and Thor smiled at each other making everyone giggle

Wanda smiled at her boy and hugged him close, "never again" she whispered and he nodded hugging her back

Bucky was being moody in the corner when Corbyn limped to him "surprise?" He spoke and Bucky stared at him and shook his head hugging the boy close

"I knew we couldn't get rid of you that easily"

Jonah and jack spoke as Daniel laughed and fist bumped the younger twin

"I... did t see that coming" pietro spoke and everyone laughed

"Let's go home" Zach spoke and everyone nodded heading back down the stairs thankful his brother has hard bone but a dumb brain

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