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Words: 2577
Ship:  (Jonah X Corbyn X Eben)

Corbyn Besson is the school nerd, sweetheart.

Now you see because he is a nice person and is smart there are some people who make fun of him. But that all changed last year. Now there is basically a rule

Don't mess with Corbyn besson

All the new students got told don't mess with him cause the consequences would be severe.
Why? Because now all his siblings know about the bulling situation and so does his boyfriends. Jonah Marais and Eben Frakerwitz. And he has 6 older siblings. Tyler, Christian and Jordan (twins) Daniel, Ashley and Anna (also twins) so basically no one can hurt him and get away with it.

Oh you want to hear the story on how it started? Ok then buckle up and here we go

1 year ago

Today is like any other day except Corbyn is wearing something different than normal. He is still wearing some white jeans with a ripped knee but he was also wearing a lilac cropped hoodie that Jonah got him last Christmas.

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