series - 2

183 9 3

A few peeple asked for this so 🙃

Get tortured Infront of them

⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️TRIGGER WARNING!! BEATING!! BLOOD!! DEATH!!⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️

The boys are like a group of five who balance each other out. With out one. It's chaos (walking 👀👀) also they are brothers. You can imagine the order

-peter Parker
-stephan Stange

"Where is he?! He was supposed to be home an hour ago!" Daniel huffed as he couldn't call the fake blonde

"Maybe his phone died?" Jonah questioned, not even believing himself. Bucky gave him a look and rolled his eyes


"Sorry kid I can't tell you, there are over twenty million out comes"


Everyone silenced as Tony, Steve, Bruce and Natasha walked in "ok. What's the problem" Tony asked in a bored tone

"Corbyn hasn't come home. It's 11pm!" Daniel screeched

"Ok" Tony clicked his tongue taking a drink of his whisky
"He's a teenage boy. Probably having fun" he continued swirling his glass around as Steve gave him a skeptical look

"How long over curfew?"

"And hour"

"No call?"

"Not even a text"

"Something's wrong"

Everyone went silent until Tony's phone rang

"Yeah hi this is a voice recored-" he trailed off as he listen to the man on the phone

"W-whats wrong?" Peter (P) asked scared for his best friend

"Yeah. Usha ok we will be there in ten" Tony finished hanging up and downing his whisky and striding to his suit cupboard looking stressed


"Friday shut down all windows and lock up the house"


"Get happy on the phone for me kid"
Directed at Peter


"They have him!" Tony shouted at Steve sighing and had tears in his eyes

"Thanos took him"


The group of 11 carefully made there way into the wherehouse, unawear of the trap they were walking into

Nat and the boys had their guns clocked and ready, well that was until they saw the boy in the middle of the room upstairs

Before they thought they ran, and a cage fell apon them and the blonde disappeared

"Well well, you guys aren't as smart as I remembered" the purple blucky man spoke as he came out the shadows dragging a chair behind him

The four boys banged against the bars

"Where my baby brother!" Jonah spat, seething with rage

"Oh? This thing?" Thanos spoke turning the chair around showing the blonde breathing heavily through his nose from pain

"Bubs!" Daniel spoke banging once again on the bars

"Don't try anything strange" Thanos spoke with venom pulling the chair back leaving the blondes throat exposed as he saw Stephan trying to form a sport of saw

"Wouldn't want to put this boy to waste" Thanos spoke, pulling out a dagger and slowly, dragged it across the boys neck

"Don't touch him!" Zach spoke for the first time that day/night

"Oh" Thanos began as they were all knocked out by gas

"No promises"


They all groaned awake and found themselves chained to a wall, struggling to get free

"Don't try" a voice called as light encased their vision

"It doesn't work, not even for me" Wanda spoke lifting her hands for effect as the group noticed the other three, including Thor and his brother, chained in the same position as them

"Wher-where is he?" Daniel called out and they all looked around until a door appeared and Thanos walked in, avian dragging the chair

As he got to the middle of the room he chucked the chair forward and the blonde tumbled out, groaning as the knife piercing his stomach dug further in

"Now" Thanos spoke sitting in the chair as he pulled the blond up by his hair, all turning as he struggled in pain

"You took everything from me" he started, pulling out a switch blade

"So give me information" he continues putting the blade against the blondes throat

"Or its bye bye"

"No! Don't touch him!"

They all looked away again in horror as Thanos, with no mercy, stabbed the innocent blonde in the thigh and he screamed from pain


"No you didn't ask us anything!" Peter, didn't stutter. He was scared

"Have at him boys" he smirked and left as two men came in, bigger, buffer, scarier than them all

"No! Don't!" Tony cried

"No!NO! STOP IT!!" Peter cried as he felt useless


"He's just a kid!!" Steve cried as they continued their assault on the teen

"Your dead men when I'm out" Nat spoke in a too calm of a voice

"Stop it!! No please do me instead!" Jonah called as his brother paid the price for all

"NOOO!" Thor called out as his eyes turned blue, calling for his hammer

Loki just struggles, trying to get to him as they beat on his ribcage. Cracking three in one go

Bruce was trying to turn to get to the boys aid. Being unsuccessful

"No!" Wanda called out, voice cracking in pain for the boy as his head got smashed on the ground

Stephan just looked away mumbling I'm sorry, as his hands tied behind could do nothing

"Take me... TAKE ME!" Bucky yelled screaming out as the blonde fell unconscious. But the assault continued

"Sons of a bitches!" Hawkeye yelled struggling as hard as he could

"Stop!!!" Jack yelled wincing as his strong brother fell

"Please..." Zach mumbled not looking at the sight

Daniel just screamed as he watched his brother get beaten to death.

Mkay. That was different. Bit how ya going but hey! It's an update

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