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P.S. Jonah is a bitch at first but then turns into the loving Jonah we all know.

Words: 1960
Type: kidfics
Ships: brothers + sisters and random boyfriend
Extra: a bit sad

Parents: Tatum and Andrew Marais

Gabbie: 17
Christina: 16
Jonah: 15-16
Daniel: 15½
Jack & Zach (twins): 15
Corbyn: 15


Today was a normal day in the Marais house hold. Andrew and Tate we're excited to tell their kids that they were adopting a new brother today.

"Marais in the living room ASI 2 minutes!" Andrew yelled

(Anyone else get called ASI when going on road trips 😂)

Immediately they heard feet coming down the stairs of their big Manion like house. "What's up dad" Jonah the third oldest asked as he sat down next to the others. "Today your mum and I have a suprise for the family" Andrew started.

Everyone immediately perked up at the mentioning of a suprise. "What is it?" Jack asked the question everyone wanted to know.

The father didn't say anything except gave gabbie a giant yellow envelope, that said read me allowed.

Andrew smiled then took out the paper and read it to the family

Dear Mr and Mrs Marais,

We are pleased to inform you your legal documentation of adopting Corbyn Matthew Besson has been approved and you may come pick him up of the 12th of June 2017, from 22 Lockwood lane San Francisco

Your sincerely Adoptive agency California

Gabbie finished reading with a gasp "where getting a new brother?!" Christina put the pieces of the puzzle together. Andrew looked at up and nodded "omg!" Gabbie screamed with Chris. "Omg can we have details on him?" Daniel asked. "Your mother and out get him this morning to go collect him from his foster home in 5 hours ago then you ask him all the questions in the world." He finished

Jonah's P.O.V

You have got to be kidding me! A new brother! Like come on our family is perfect the way he is now this little screw up is going to ruin him. Ugh!! You know what if I make his life hell hell just piss off back to where he came from! Good plan Jonah!

Good plan. 😈

3rd person P.O.V

It has been almost 1 hour and a half later and all the kids were in their rooms, until they heard their mothers voice beam "munchkins I'm home!" She shouted.

The was a stampede of wild Marais to get to the living room. When the they got their their mother was standing there with a boy with blonde hair a bit shorter than Jack.

"Guys this is Corbyn. Corbyn this is Gabbie, Christina or Chris if you want, Jonah, Daniel, Jack and Zach Marais." Gabbie said with a smile as everyone waved and said hello except for Jonah. "Hola" Corbyn replied softly hoping no to be too loud.

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