Series - 17

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It was a normal day in the avenger household. Everyone was excited because they have a new recruit. Jonahs younger brother who was living with his mother for years, finally joined the A Team and everyone was ecstatic.

But he had a hard past

Tony was the first to know


"Come here kid hold this" he spoke and Corbyn rushed over to hold the piece of glass Tony wanted. As tony turned around he heard a smash and saw Corbyn looking terrified while his hands where in the same spot showing the glass slipped

"Oh for GODS SAKE!" Tony yelled and Corbyn flinched away from him, scared of him being angry. Tony's face softened. Realising his mistake. He looked down seeing Corbyn's hand was cut when the glass slipped

"Come on kid" he spoke softly holding his hand out
"Let's get that cleaned up"


Next was Peter. They were playing video games when Corbyn beat Peter in the game "OH NO!" he shouted and Corbyn, once again flinched.

Peter noticed instantly. "Hey I- I didn't mean to yell, I'm sorry" he spoke softly and Corbyn nodded "it's ok, wanna try again?" He asked timidly holding out the controller that Peter just threw
"I can close my eyes?"
Peter smiled


Then Steve. Corbyn and Steve were trying out the new weapons, with proper amo when Corbyn fired a rubber bullet and hit steve in the hand. "SON OF A BITCH!" He yelled and Corbyn shook
I just hit captain America...

Steve reaches out and saw that Corbyn flinched away, he's eyes show sadness. "Forgive me" he spoke "it's ok, just sting was unexpected" Corbyn nodded but put the gun down and insisted he just play being the target


Nat was after

She has a short temper so when Corbyn accidentally spilled his juice on her she got mad "OMG SERIOUSLY!" She yelled and saw Corbyn flinch. She blinked "someone has hurt you, haven't they" she spoke drifting off at the end of her sentence. Corbyn swallowed thickly and ran to his and jonahs room


Thor, Loki and Corbyn were sparing together when Thor yelled as Corbyn dodged his hammer yet again. They were having fun until .. "YOU SLIPPERY BITCH" Corbyn, even tho was five meters away, flinch at the sound of the yelling.

Thor sighed "I WASNT GOING TO HURT YOU" he exclaimed and once again Corbyn back up. "S-sorry. Sorry" he spoke taking a deep breath and Corbyn nodded as Loki came back in fuming

"What's wrong Loki"

Corbyn flinched think it was him that made the god of mischief mad. Loki noticed "you didn't think... I was going to hurt you, did you? Or" he trailed off as Corbyn looked down
"Someone already did..."


Jonah was the last to know arguing with his brother started calm. Then escalated

"Look you can't date Daniel"
"Why jo? He makes me happy and you know it"
"BECAUSE I SAID SO!" Jonah yelled and Corbyn back up running into the couch

Jonahs eyebrows frowned "C, I-I'm so sorry I didn't.."
"No it's ok, I pushed you"
"It's her isn't it"
Corbyn looked up with tears while the rest of the A Team listened in

"Mum, she yells a lot at you too?"

Corbyn swallowed and nodded
"Has she.. hit you too?"
Corbyn looked up and gasped
"She hit you too?" He asked broken-hearted and Jonah nodded while hugging his baby brother.

"It's ok, we can get through this together. She can't hurt us anymore"

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