Series - 20

52 1 0

Spin off of 12

It was late at night, the blonde had been out all night with his boyfriend jack, now jack was a good guy don't get me wrong, but he's also a villain. A villain everyone hates. And a villain that because of this they can't be alone together.

So Corbyn snuck out.

The curly headed boy sat up straight when he heard a noise outside. Like a rock hitting his window. He got up opened the glass door and was hit in her face with a rock

"Oop!sorry!" He heard an angel say. Well not a really one,  it his angel

He looks down to see the blonde in all black tight fitted clothing and jack licked his lips

"Bean what are you doing" he spoke leaning over so Corbyn could grab his hands and yanked him up on the balcony

"Came to see you, I missed your kisses" he spoke softly and jack smiled and brought his baby inside.

"Well if that's the case"he spoke and the kissed the smaller lips. One peck became two, two to three , three to making out

The blonde sat on top of the younger's lap as they roughly kissed against each other wanting love. Jack kissed off to the side intending on kissing the blondes neck but said blonde beat him first

Slowly he kissed and sucked softly onto jack neck making the younger grip his waist tighter "baby" he mumbled grabbing the back of his head and his butt.

With a slight squeeze the blonde was sitting up straight, never being so intimate before "what? Too fast?" The honey eyed boy panicked and Corbyn shook his head "no no, it felt umm nice" he blushed "I just wasn't expecting it"

"You didn't see that coming"

"Oh shut up"

The blonde yelped as they switched positions. He now lay underneath his boyfriend as jack held a smirk

"Your skin is too milky, let me fix that" jack spoke leaning down  and softly sucking on his skin, Corbyn's eyes rolled back in pleasure not taking notice on how many marks there was, but just focusing on the pleasure he got


"OMG jack!" Corbyn screamed seeing his neck, chest, torso, abs and the top of his boxers covered in hickeys. "I think they look beautiful baby" jack spoke wrapping his arms around Corbyn's waist. "Your dead"

"Nice to know"


Now the blonde stood slowly closing the doors to the ginormous house as softly as possible, but of course they are one step ahead. "Corbyn has entered the building, Corbyn has entered the building" Friday repeated as Corbyn shhh'd her"Friday no!" He whispered yelled

"Well well we'll. Look who's finally home"

"Dammit" he mumbled cornering his neck "heyyyyyyy Dani boy" he spoke turning around and was met with the whole A team "ok what the füçk" he deadpanned seeing as they couldn't let him go out one minute without integrating him

Why Don't We Corbyn Centric OneshotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz