I Blow Up a School Full of Nuns

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So this dream started out with me and my friends in my bathroom. We were playing charades, but the catch was that whoever was acting it out had to put on a spacesuit and jump into a portal that took you to outer space, where you acted it out.

So that game continued for a while, with a bunch of random people jumping in here and there (like Strax and River Song from Doctor Who). At one point, a bunch of Skylanders tried to break open the window and kill us, but they gave up because we threatened to kill them.

Then there was a giant space that I forget what happened, so the next thing I know, I'm at a school completely run by nuns. And my brother was with me, and instead of being blond and really pale (like in real life), he was suddenly African-American and had an Afro, which was really weird...

So then something else happened, and I decided that I hated one of the teachers, so I of course decided to get rid of my troubles by blowing up the church/school. Everyone in it except me and my brother ended up dying.

So then we end up in a different nun school, where everyone texted in class. And everyone apparently hated me, because I was in a group Facebook conversation with everyone in that school and I was getting some RUDE messages.

Anyway, somehow I was singing Jingle Bell Rock in front of the school. After that, a bunch of nerd guys kept trying to ask me out because apparently I have "a gorgeous voice" (which I do NOT have in real life!) So because of that, I blew them up with the school..... then I forget what happened after that...

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