The Second Holocaust

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As the title of this chapter suggests, in this dream, there was a second Holocaust going on.

I was in my house with my parents, brother and three people from my church. The modern-day Nazis that were outside our door were telling us to stay indoors, so we did.

Then they busted down our doors and started to take away the 3 people from my church for breaking some kind of law.

Then they turned to me and the rest of my family and tried to decide whether or not to take us away too. I somehow convinced them to leave us be, and they left the house gushing over how adorable I was and how they would never hurt a family like mine.

So then I turn stupid and leave the house. I go to the riding barn I took horse lessons at for the past 6 years, where the local college riding team was getting ready for a show.

Then the Nazis came in and started taking away half the college kids and horses there, although I managed to convince them to leave most of the horses because they were still gushing over how adorable I was. And I woke up soon after that.

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