I Take a Shower in Math Class

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So this is kind of a guess at everything, but here goes nothing.

So I think this dream started in my math class, and my math teacher was talking to us about how she had cancer and was going to die sometime in the next week. So she couldn't be at school, but she also said that fruit snacks from Walmart were the only thing that could save her life.

So me and the rest of the class go to Walmart and take all of Walmart's stock of fruit snacks. Then some stalker chased us to the school.

So we're back in school, and since my math teacher was back home, sick with cancer, the school's Chinese teacher had taken over the class (even though he doesn't even teach anything in Chinese, let alone math...). But for some reason we were taking showers in class while he was blabbering on about random formulas and educational stuff (which was REALLY weird since he doesn't teach anything....).

Then when I was done, I tried to cover up my boobs so when I reached out of the shower the guys in the class (including the teacher) wouldn't see them. Then it turned out everyone had already left the room, so I got dressed and left.

And then I think for the remainder of the dream the stalker was chasing me around Walmart again...

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