I Get Peed On and Get Pulled into a Rip Current

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This dream started out with me and a bunch of other kids in the school band room. I was sitting in a chair, and my friend's brother's annoying friend asked me if he could sit on my lap. For some reason, I said yes. So he sits on my lap for five seconds, then stands up again and starts laughing his butt off. It turned out that he had peed his pants, and he decided to pull a prank on everyone by going around and spreading the pee and the smell onto everyone.

So I just sat there in disgust over my supposedly ruined pants. Then I hear a photo being taken, and I look up to see my science teacher (who hates me) with his phone, posting my picture of pee-covered pants to every social media site known to man.

So I start chasing him around Walmart (a reoccurring place in my dreams) as he continues to take embarrassing pictures of me.

Then it somehow changed to me at the beach, and I was being pulled away in the water by a rip current. I managed to get to shore, where my friend proceeded to tell me about how to go lobster fishing. Then I left to work at the surf shop, which I apparently owned, and that's all I remember (even though I know there was more to it).

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