Zombie Apocalypse

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Not long ago, I had a dream where I was with a bunch of my friends, and it was the zombie apocalypse, so we were all staking out in my room. And for some reason, Mater (the tow truck from the movie Cars) was there, and he was giving me a ride around my room while I sat on his back. He kept calling me a wimp because I wouldn't go outside (because it was pitch black outside and it was the zombie apocalypse). So I changed the subject, and he started showing me his skills with backwards driving like he did in the movie.

Then next thing I know, he's telling me, "Now this is how you backwards drive through a door!" So then, with me still riding on him, he drives backward through the door and outside, into the zombie zone.

Then while I was abandoned out there and trying to find my way back, Mater had wimped out and I was going all Kung-Fu on the zombies, and I remember beheading a couple of zombies before I woke up.

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