My Mom and I Catch Criminals

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This dream started out with my mom picking me up from school. When I got in the car, she seemed worried, so I asked her why. She told me that two guys tried to break into our house while she was there, but my dogs had chased them off.

Then she showed me a picture of them, which showed two black guys (one bald, the other with long hair) posing in the bed of a black truck with a black and yellow motorcycle. I had thought "That's weird..." and then I just sat there as my mom kept driving.

Then I noticed as the long haired one I just saw in the picture drove past us in the truck. I pointed him out to my mom and she was like, "Oh, it's probably just a coincidence." So then the bald one drove by on the motorcycle, so I pointed him out, and she yelled, "Let's get'em!!" So then she U-turns (and almost gets us killed in the process) and follows them.

Then she had to drop me off somewhere, but I forget where. Eventually my mom came back to get me, so I got in the car. But then she said "I found those guys, by the way."

So I turned around and they were both in the backseat. Except somehow, the bald one had turned into a beagle (type of dog) and the long haired one had turned white, really pale, and had the same hair as someone from Black Veil Brides (or some other hard rock band).

So of course, I freaked out. But the pale guy was like, "Don't hurt us! It's not our fault!" Then he continued to explain that they get hired by a couple dudes to kidnap random children from different schools, and my brother was one of them.

So we believe them and for the rest of the dream, we're helping them get back at their bosses.


So my rabbit died this week. She was six (which is considered pretty old for a rabbit). It's been pretty depressing for me these past couple days. I posted a picture of her to the side.

But anyways, hope you enjoy this chapter!


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