Zombie Apocalypse #2

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For some reason, I have millions of dreams about the zombie apocalypse. I mostly just can't remember them most of the time.

So in this dream, I was in my horse's barn, and I was with about 50 people from my school. And we were somehow making a giant spiderweb of people between two supporting posts in the barn.

Then some black guy walked in and was like, "The zombie apocalypse has started! Everyone hide!" Then he started choking and turning into a zombie.

So I dropped down from the human spiderweb, leaving everyone else there to die, and sprinted through the pitch black into the house.

Then my mom tried to make me feed my horses while it's still pitch black and she's just like, "Oh, you can fight off zombies! Just quit being a wimp and get out there!"

So she forced me outside, and I managed to feed the horses without being eaten. So then I ran back inside, then I looked out the window and see that one of my horses had followed me up to the door and was just staring in. So I chased her back into the barn, where she lays down. My other horse was already down. I stayed for a couple seconds to see if they were okay, then they both snap up, and their eyes are glowing red and they were zombies.

So being the mature person I am in dreams (note sarcasm), I sprinted back inside, screaming, and when I got inside I started crying because my horses were zombies... and then I woke up.

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