Doctor Who

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I can't remember a whole lot about this one, but it involved a lot of the show Doctor Who. So if you don't watch it, you probably won't enjoy this as much.

Anyways, I think in the dream I was in college with Martha Jones, her sister, and some random person.

So we were basically living out a horror movie that was being recorded for a Doctor Who episode. We had to walk through a haunted maze while avoiding creepy little ghosts that wanted to take over our souls.

So then it got to some kind of cliffhanger where the ghosts kidnapped Martha and her sister, and you know how when a show leaves a cliffhanger it's like, "Don't miss next week's episode where (awesome part) happens!" Well, it did that, and it was like, "Next week will be the action packed escape of the gang. Will they make it back to The Doctor? Tune in to find out!"

So of course, my alarm goes off right then.


If you have actually stuck through with this book, I THANK YOU FOREVER!!! I'm not expecting this book to be a best-seller, but it'd still be awesome if you told your friends about it! *hint hint!* ;)

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