Reader's Dream: Shapeshifting into Horses

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****Dream by PurdyMinded138. Copied and pasted, so it's in her POV. Before you read this, I should mention that I know her in real life, so it should explain some things.****

I had a dream that I was out in the woods with the herd (what we call our group of friends) and we were looking for something. It was a trader who supposedly if you gave him something he would give you something magical or wonderful in return. I had brought a keyboard to trade. He in return gave me these paintings that were rolled up in a scroll.

We took them and started to head back home. At this point in the dream I woke up and I had fallen asleep on a chair in my living room, so I moved to my room and went back to sleep.

For the first time ever, I went back to the same dream. We had decided to take a different route home and ended up in someones back yard. There was a woods in the back and a huge empty field on the side. There was a flash of white in the woods, it was a unicorn, but we were all to distracted by the huge dark figure in the field.

Stupidly we walked up to it. And then we were all attacked by a werewolf. When we woke up we were in a really strange house. A girl walked in to the room and proceeded to tell us that she was the werewolf and it was her job to protect the unicorn. She gave us each rusty bolts in which she said would protect us if she transformed again. This is the part of the dream where everything stops making sense.

We go out the back door and are in a huge fenced in area with horses galloping everywhere.

There was another building we entered that was in the fenced in area that looked like a small barn, but the thing was like a Tardis, bigger on the inside than it was on the out. It apparently was a giant school with tech labs and anything else you can imagine.

Turns out the rusty bolts allowed us to turn into horses like shapeshifters because the werewolf had a soft spot for horses and would never hurt them. So we used our new found power to gallop around the school and scare the crap out of everyone.

Sadly my cat jumped on my face in my sleep and woke me up so I never got to finish this dream, but I do have a theory. I think that the werewolf was Lizz Jones (ME!!!), she claims to be a werewolf and has an obsession with horses.

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