My History Teacher Gets Fired

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In this one, I was in my history class when another class across the hall was talking about something hilarious. Me and the rest of my class wanted to see what they were talking about, so my history teacher (in the dream and real life) was like "Go ahead and see what they're doing." So we all go to the next classroom over where, ironically, the kids were talking about their weird dreams.

We were there for a while until the former principal at my school (who had just resigned in the middle of the year when I had this dream... long story) came in and started yelling at my teacher saying "You're in BIG trouble! We're not going to overlook this!!" Then we went back to our history room, where the vice principal made us go to the cafeteria (which in the dream was my kitchen, of course). Then they told us to play monopoly and gave us dominoes and mini paintbrushes to play it with. Then we played this "game" while the teacher was in the next room over getting fired.

And the creepy thing about this dream? I had this dream the night before I came back to school after winter break, and I have the history teacher (that was in this dream) first period. And on the day we came back, I swear he was wearing the exact same thing he wore in the dream...

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